[sql-server] No process is on the other end of the pipe (SQL Server 2012)

I've got this error:

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred
during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is
on the other end of the pipe.)

(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)

I know, there are similar questions on this site, and the answer is, to enable TCP/IP and pipes. But I enabled both, and still doesn't work:

MSSQL error

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and the user has full permissions.

This question is related to sql-server sql-server-2012

The answer is

Also you can try to go to services and restart your Sql server instanceenter image description here

Another reason for this error could be incorrect or non-existent database name.

Forcing the TCP/IP connection (by providing instead of localhost or .) can reveal the real reason for the error. In my case, the database name specified in connection string was incorrect.

So, here is the checklist:

  • Make sure Named Pipe is enabled in configuration manager (don't forget to restart the server).
  • Make sure the database you are connecting to exists.
  • Make sure SQL Server Authentication (or Mixed Mode) is enabled.

In my case the database was restored and it already had the user used for the connection. I had to drop the user in the database and recreate the user-mapping for the login.

  1. Drop the user

    DROP USER [MyUser]

It might fail if the user owns any schemas. Those has to assigned to dbo before dropping the user. Get the schemas owned by the user using first query below and then alter the owner of those schemas using second query (HangFire is the schema obtained from previous query).

select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_owner = 'MyUser'
  1. Update user mapping for the user. In management studio go to Security-> Login -> Open the user -> Go to user mapping tab -> Enable the database and grant appropriate role.

I face this issue for the second time and all previous answers failed, fortunately the following request do the job:

Alter login [user] with CHECK_POLICY = OFF

Alter login [user] with CHECK_POLICY = ON

For me the password expired for my login user, and i got the same exception. Then i login with Windows Authentication mode and change the password for the associated user, and it solved my problem.

In my case: Assign a sysadmin role to the user.

  1. Login as windows authenticated user
  2. Go to: Security->Login->Right click user->Assign server role as sysadmin

Yup, this error might as well be "something failed, good luck figuring out what" - In my case it was a wrong username. SQL Server 2019 RC1.

To solve this, connect to SQL Management Studio using Windows Authentication, then right-click on server node Properties->Security and enable SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. If you're using 'sa' make sure the account is enabled. To do this open 'sa' under Logins and view Status.

enable sa admin

If this didn't work, you may need to reinstall SQL Server

Please check this also enter image description here Also check in configuration TCP/IP,Names PipeLine and shared memory enabled

If you are trying to login with SQL credentials, you can also try changing the LoginMode for SQL Server in the registry to allow both SQL Server and Windows Authentication.

  1. Open regedit
  2. Go to the SQL instance key (may vary depending on your instance name): Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer\
  3. Set LoginMode to 2

enter image description here

  1. Restart SQL service and SQL Server Management Studio and try again.

Follow the other answer, and if it's still not working, restart your computer to effectively restart the SQL Server service on Windows.

make sure that you have specified user in Security-> Logins, if no - add it and try again.

I have the same proplem "A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)"

My connection is:

server=POS06\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=C:...\Datas.mdf;Initial Catalog= Datas; User ID= sa; Pwd=12345; Connect Timeout=10;

But My SQL is POS06\MSQL2014

Change the connection string to

server=POS06\MSQL2014 ; AttachDbFilename=C:...\Datas.mdf;Initial Catalog= Datas; User ID= sa; Pwd=12345; Connect Timeout=10;

it worked.

Always try to log in using those credentials with SQL Management Studio. This might reveal some more details that you don't get at runtime in your code. I had checked the SQL + Windows authentication, restarted the server but still no luck. After trying to log in using SQL Management, I got this prompt:


Somehow the password had expired although the login was created just minutes before. Anyway, new password set, connection string updated and all's fine.

So, I had this recently also, for integrated security, It turns out that my issue was actually fairly simple to fix but mainly because I had forgotten to add "Trusted_Connection=True" to my connection string.

I know that may seem fairly obvious but it had me going for 20 minutes or so until I realised that I had copied my connection string format from connectionstrings.com and that portion of the connection string was missing.

Simple and I feel a bit daft, but it was the answer for me.

Had this error too, the cause was simple, but not obvious: incorrect password. Not sure why I didn't get just "Login failed" from freshly installed SQL 2016 server.