The simplest solution is a pair of mutually recursive functions.
The first function generates all the prime numbers:
The second function returns the prime factors of a given number n
in increasing order.
.The largest prime factor of n
is the last number given by the second function.
This algorithm requires a lazy list or a language (or data structure) with call-by-need semantics.
For clarification, here is one (inefficient) implementation of the above in Haskell:
import Control.Monad
-- All the primes
primes = 2 : filter (ap (<=) (head . primeFactors)) [3,5..]
-- Gives the prime factors of its argument
primeFactors = factor primes
where factor [] n = []
factor xs@(p:ps) n =
if p*p > n then [n]
else let (d,r) = divMod n p in
if r == 0 then p : factor xs d
else factor ps n
-- Gives the largest prime factor of its argument
largestFactor = last . primeFactors
Making this faster is just a matter of being more clever about detecting which numbers are prime and/or factors of n
, but the algorithm stays the same.