[java] String concatenation: concat() vs "+" operator

Most answers here are from 2008. It looks that things have changed over the time. My latest benchmarks made with JMH shows that on Java 8 + is around two times faster than concat.

My benchmark:

@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 200, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 200, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
public class StringConcatenation {

    public static class State2 {
        public String a = "abc";
        public String b = "xyz";

    public static class State3 {
        public String a = "abc";
        public String b = "xyz";
        public String c = "123";

    public static class State4 {
        public String a = "abc";
        public String b = "xyz";
        public String c = "123";
        public String d = "!@#";

    public void plus_2(State2 state, Blackhole blackhole) {

    public void plus_3(State3 state, Blackhole blackhole) {

    public void plus_4(State4 state, Blackhole blackhole) {

    public void stringbuilder_2(State2 state, Blackhole blackhole) {
        blackhole.consume(new StringBuilder().append(state.a).append(state.b).toString());

    public void stringbuilder_3(State3 state, Blackhole blackhole) {
        blackhole.consume(new StringBuilder().append(state.a).append(state.b).append(state.c).toString());

    public void stringbuilder_4(State4 state, Blackhole blackhole) {
        blackhole.consume(new StringBuilder().append(state.a).append(state.b).append(state.c).append(state.d).toString());

    public void concat_2(State2 state, Blackhole blackhole) {

    public void concat_3(State3 state, Blackhole blackhole) {

    public void concat_4(State4 state, Blackhole blackhole) {


Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt         Score         Error  Units
StringConcatenation.concat_2         thrpt   50  24908871.258 ± 1011269.986  ops/s
StringConcatenation.concat_3         thrpt   50  14228193.918 ±  466892.616  ops/s
StringConcatenation.concat_4         thrpt   50   9845069.776 ±  350532.591  ops/s
StringConcatenation.plus_2           thrpt   50  38999662.292 ± 8107397.316  ops/s
StringConcatenation.plus_3           thrpt   50  34985722.222 ± 5442660.250  ops/s
StringConcatenation.plus_4           thrpt   50  31910376.337 ± 2861001.162  ops/s
StringConcatenation.stringbuilder_2  thrpt   50  40472888.230 ± 9011210.632  ops/s
StringConcatenation.stringbuilder_3  thrpt   50  33902151.616 ± 5449026.680  ops/s
StringConcatenation.stringbuilder_4  thrpt   50  29220479.267 ± 3435315.681  ops/s

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