Waiting for all images to load...
I found the anwser to my problem with jfriend00 here jquery: how to listen to the image loaded event of one container div? .. and "if (this.complete)"
Waiting for the all thing to load and some possibly in cache !.. and i have added the "error" event...
it's robust across all browsers
$(function() { // Wait dom ready
var $img = $('img'), // images collection
totalImg = $img.length,
waitImgDone = function() {
if (!totalImg) {
console.log($img.length+" image(s) chargée(s) !");
$img.each(function() {
if (this.complete) waitImgDone(); // already here..
else $(this).load(waitImgDone).error(waitImgDone); // completed...