[android] Android Design Support Library expandable Floating Action Button(FAB) menu

Another option for the same result with ConstraintSet animation:

fab animation example

1) Put all the animated views in one ConstraintLayout

2) Animate it from code like this (if you want some more effects its up to you..this is only example)

menuItem1 and menuItem2 is the first and second FABs in menu, descriptionItem1 and descriptionItem2 is the description to the left of menu, parentConstraintLayout is the root ConstraintLayout wich contains all the animated views, isMenuOpened is some function to change open/closed flag in the state

I put animation code in extension file but its not necessary.

fun FloatingActionButton.expandMenu(
    menuItem1: View,
    menuItem2: View,
    descriptionItem1: TextView,
    descriptionItem2: TextView,
    parentConstraintLayout: ConstraintLayout,
    isMenuOpened: (Boolean)-> Unit
) {
    val constraintSet = ConstraintSet()

    constraintSet.setVisibility(descriptionItem1.id, View.VISIBLE)
    constraintSet.clear(menuItem1.id, ConstraintSet.TOP)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem1.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM, this.id, ConstraintSet.TOP, 0)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem1.id, ConstraintSet.START, this.id, ConstraintSet.START, 0)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem1.id, ConstraintSet.END, this.id, ConstraintSet.END, 0)

    constraintSet.setVisibility(descriptionItem2.id, View.VISIBLE)
    constraintSet.clear(menuItem2.id, ConstraintSet.TOP)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem2.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM, menuItem1.id, ConstraintSet.TOP, 0)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem2.id, ConstraintSet.START, this.id, ConstraintSet.START, 0)
    constraintSet.connect(menuItem2.id, ConstraintSet.END, this.id, ConstraintSet.END, 0)

    val transition = AutoTransition()
    transition.duration = 150
    transition.interpolator = AccelerateInterpolator()

    transition.addListener(object: Transition.TransitionListener {
        override fun onTransitionEnd(p0: Transition) {
        override fun onTransitionResume(p0: Transition) {}
        override fun onTransitionPause(p0: Transition) {}
        override fun onTransitionCancel(p0: Transition) {}
        override fun onTransitionStart(p0: Transition) {}

    TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(parentConstraintLayout, transition)

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Android Design Support Library expandable Floating Action Button(FAB) menu