[git] How to show what a commit did?

A stupid way I know is:

git diff commit-number1 commit-number2

any better way?

I mean I want to know the commit1 itself, I don't want to add the commit2 before it as parameter.

This question is related to git

The answer is

I found out that "git show --stat" is the best out of all here, gives you a brief summary of the commit, what files did you add and modify without giving you whole bunch of stuff, especially if you changed a lot files.


git show <commit>


To show what a commit did with stats:

git show <commit> --stat


To show commit log with differences introduced for each commit in a range:

git log -p <commit1> <commit2>

What is <commit>?

Each commit has a unique id we reference here as <commit>. The unique id is an SHA-1 hash – a checksum of the content you’re storing plus a header. #TMI

If you don't know your <commit>:

  1. git log to view the commit history

  2. Find the commit you care about.

The answers by Bomber and Jakub (Thanks!) are correct and work for me in different situations.

For a quick glance at what was in the commit, I use

git show <replace this with your commit-id>

But I like to view a graphical Diff when studying something in detail and have set up a P4diff as my git diff and then use

git diff <replace this with your commit-id>^!


$ git log -p

do what you need?

Check out the chapter on Git Log in the Git Community Book for more examples. (Or look at the the documentation.)

Update: As others (Jakub and Bombe) already pointed out: although the above works, git show is actually the command that is intended to do exactly what was asked for.

This is one way I know of. With git, there always seems to be more than one way to do it.

git log -p commit1 commit2