[javascript] JavaScript operator similar to SQL "like"

Possible Duplicate:
Emulating SQL LIKE in JavaScript

Is there an operator in JavaScript which is similar to the like operator in SQL? Explanations and examples are appreciated.

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

You can check the String.match() or the String.indexOf() methods.


You want to use: .indexOf("foo") and then check the index. If it's >= 0, it contains that string.

Use the string objects Match method:

// Match a string that ends with abc, similar to LIKE '%abc'
if (theString.match(/^.*abc$/)) 
    /*Match found */

// Match a string that starts with abc, similar to LIKE 'abc%'
if (theString.match(/^abc.*$/)) 
    /*Match found */

No there isn't, but you can check out indexOf as a starting point to developing your own, and/or look into regular expressions. It would be a good idea to familiarise yourself with the JavaScript string functions.

EDIT: This has been answered before:

Emulating SQL LIKE in JavaScript

No, there isn't any.

The list of comparison operators are listed here.

Comparison Operators

For your requirement the best option would be regular expressions.

You can use regular expressions in Javascript to do pattern matching of strings.

For example:

var s = "hello world!";
if (s.match(/hello.*/)) {
  // do something

The match() test is much like WHERE s LIKE 'hello%' in SQL.