[scala] What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala?

What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala and why does the language need both? Why would you choose a val over a var and vice versa?

This question is related to scala

The answer is

"val means immutable and var means mutable."

To paraphrase, "val means value and var means variable".

A distinction that happens to be extremely important in computing (because those two concepts define the very essence of what programming is all about), and that OO has managed to blur almost completely, because in OO, the only axiom is that "everything is an object". And that as a consequence, lots of programmers these days tend not to understand/appreciate/recognize, because they have been brainwashed into "thinking the OO way" exclusively. Often leading to variable/mutable objects being used like everywhere, when value/immutable objects might/would often have been better.

In simple terms:

var = variable

val = variable + final

Val means its final, cannot be reassigned

Whereas, Var can be reassigned later.

val is final, that is, cannot be set. Think final in java.

Though many have already answered the difference between Val and var. But one point to notice is that val is not exactly like final keyword.

We can change the value of val using recursion but we can never change value of final. Final is more constant than Val.

def factorial(num: Int): Int = {
 if(num == 0) 1
 else factorial(num - 1) * num

Method parameters are by default val and at every call value is being changed.

val means immutable and var means mutable

you can think val as java programming language final key world or c++ language const key world?

The difference is that a var can be re-assigned to whereas a val cannot. The mutability, or otherwise of whatever is actually assigned, is a side issue:

import collection.immutable
import collection.mutable
var m = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
m = immutable.Set("New York") //Reassignment - I have change the "value" at m.


val n = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = immutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile as n is a val.

And hence:

val n = mutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = mutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile, even though the type of n is mutable.

If you are building a data structure and all of its fields are vals, then that data structure is therefore immutable, as its state cannot change.

It's as simple as it name.

var means it can vary

val means invariable

Thinking in terms of C++,

val x: T

is analogous to constant pointer to non-constant data

T* const x;


var x: T 

is analogous to non-constant pointer to non-constant data

T* x;

Favoring val over var increases immutability of the codebase which can facilitate its correctness, concurrency and understandability.

To understand the meaning of having a constant pointer to non-constant data consider the following Scala snippet:

val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> "picard")
m // res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard)

Here the "pointer" val m is constant so we cannot re-assign it to point to something else like so

m = n // error: reassignment to val

however we can indeed change the non-constant data itself that m points to like so

m.put(2, "worf")
m // res1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard, 2 -> worf)

val means immutable and var means mutable.

Full discussion.

Val - values are typed storage constants. Once created its value cant be re-assigned. a new value can be defined with keyword val.

eg. val x: Int = 5

Here type is optional as scala can infer it from the assigned value.

Var - variables are typed storage units which can be assigned values again as long as memory space is reserved.

eg. var x: Int = 5

Data stored in both the storage units are automatically de-allocated by JVM once these are no longer needed.

In scala values are preferred over variables due to stability these brings to the code particularly in concurrent and multithreaded code.