[http] What's the difference between a 302 and a 307 redirect?

302 is temporary redirect, which is generated by the server whereas 307 is internal redirect response generated by the browser. Internal redirect means that redirect is done automatically by browser internally, basically the browser alters the entered url from http to https in get request by itself before making the request so request for unsecured connection is never made to the internet. Whether browser will alter the url to https or not depends upon the hsts preload list that comes preinstalled with the browser. You can also add any site which support https to the list by entering the domain in the hsts preload list of your own browser which is at chrome://net-internals/#hsts.One more thing website domains can be added by their owners to preload list by filling up the form at https://hstspreload.org/ so that it comes preinstalled in browsers for every user even though I mention you can do particularly for yourself also.

Let me explain with an example:
I made a get request to http://www.pentesteracademy.com which supports only https and I don't have that domain in my hsts preload list on my browser as site owner has not registered for it to come with preinstalled hsts preload list. request and response headers
GET request for unsecure version of the site is redirected to secure version(see http header named location for that in response in above image).
Now I add the site to my own browser preload list by adding its domain in Add hsts domain form at chrome://net-internals/#hsts, which modifies my personal preload list on my chrome browser.Be sure to select include subdomains for STS option there.
Let's see the request and response for the same website now after adding it to hsts preload list.
request and response headers
you can see the internal redirect 307 there in response headers, actually this response is generated by your browser not by server.
Also HSTS preload list can help prevent users reach the unsecure version of site as 302 redirect are prone to mitm attacks.
Hope I somewhat helped you understand more about redirects.