[java] JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers

I am trying to create a standalone client to consume some web services. I must add my username and password to the SOAP Header. I tried adding the credentials as follows:

OTSWebSvcsService service = new OTSWebSvcsService();
OTSWebSvcs port = service.getOTSWebSvcs();

BindingProvider prov = (BindingProvider)port;
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "myusername");
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");


When I call a method on the service I get the following exception:

com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.SoapSecurityException: WSEC5048E: One of "SOAP Header" elements required.

What am I doing wrong? How would I add these properties to the SOAP Header?

Edited: I was using JAX-WS 2.1 included in JDK6. I am now using JAX-WS 2.2. I now get the following exception:

com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.SoapSecurityException: WSEC5509E: A security token whose type is [http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#UsernameToken] is required.

How do I go about creating this token?

This question is related to java web-services soap jax-ws ws-security

The answer is

In jaxws-rt-2.2.10-ources.jar!\com\sun\xml\ws\transport\http\client\HttpTransportPipe.java:

public Packet process(Packet request) {
        Map<String, List<String>> userHeaders = (Map<String, List<String>>) request.invocationProperties.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
        if (userHeaders != null) {

So, Map<String, List<String>> from requestContext with key MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS will be copied to SOAP headers. Sample of Application Authentication with JAX-WS via headers

BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY and BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY keys are processed special way in HttpTransportPipe.addBasicAuth(), adding standard basic authorization Authorization header.

See also Message Context in JAX-WS

Adding an object to header we use the examples used here,yet i will complete

  ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
        CabeceraCR cabeceraCR =objectFactory.createCabeceraCR();

With object factory we create the object asked to pass on the header. The to add to the header

  WSBindingProvider bp = (WSBindingProvider)wsXXXXXXSoap;
                // Sets a simple string value as a header

We used the WSBindingProvider to add the header. The object will have some error if used directly so we use the method


This method will create a JAXBElement like this on the object Factory

  @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://www.creditreport.ec/", name = "CabeceraCR")
    public JAXBElement<CabeceraCR> createCabeceraCR(CabeceraCR value) {
        return new JAXBElement<CabeceraCR>(_CabeceraCR_QNAME, CabeceraCR.class, null, value);

And the jaxbContext we obtained like this:

  jaxbContext = (JAXBRIContext) JAXBContext.newInstance(CabeceraCR.class.getPackage().getName());

This will add the object to the header.

Data can be transferred in SOAP header (JaxWS) by using @WebParam(header = true):

@WebMethod(operationName = "SendRequest", action = "http://abcd.ru/")
public void sendRequest(
    @WebParam(name = "Message", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", partName = "Message")
    Data message,
    @WebParam(name = "ServiceHeader", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", header = true, partName = "ServiceHeader")
    Header serviceHeader);

If you want to generate a client with SOAP Headers, you need to use -XadditionalHeaders:

wsimport -keep -Xnocompile -XadditionalHeaders -Xdebug -d /home/evgeny/DEVELOPMENT/JAVA/gen

If don't need @Oneway web service, you can use Holder:

@WebMethod(operationName = "SendRequest", action = "http://abcd.ru/")
public void sendRequest(
    @WebParam(name = "Message", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", partName = "Message")
    Data message,
    @WebParam(name = "ServiceHeader", targetNamespace = "http://abcd.ru/", header = true, partName = "ServiceHeader")
    Holder<Header> serviceHeader);

I struggled with all the answers here, starting with Pascal's solution, which is getting harder with the Java compiler not binding against rt.jar by default any more (and using internal classes makes it specific to that runtime implementation).

The answer from edubriguenti brought me close. The way the handler is hooked up in the final bit of code didn't work for me, though - it was never called.

I ended up using a variation of his handler class, but wired it into the javax.xml.ws.Service instance like this:

Service service = Service.create(url, qname); service.setHandlerResolver( portInfo -> Collections.singletonList(new SOAPHeaderHandler(handlerArgs)) );

Also, if you're using Maven to build your project, you'll need to add the following dependency:


This provides you with the class com.sun.xml.ws.developer.WSBindingProvider.

Link: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.xml.ws/jaxws-rt

you can add the username and password to the SOAP Header

BindingProvider prov = (BindingProvider)port;
                "your end point"));
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "myusername");
prov.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");
prov.getRequestContext().put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers);

The best option (for my of course) is do it yourserfl. It means you can modify programattly all parts of the SOAP message

Binding binding = prov.getBinding();
   List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();
    handlerChain.add( new ModifyMessageHandler() );
    binding.setHandlerChain( handlerChain ); 

And the ModifyMessageHandler source could be

public boolean handleMessage( SOAPMessageContext context )
    SOAPMessage msg = context.getMessage(); 

        SOAPEnvelope envelope = msg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
        SOAPHeader header = envelope.addHeader();
        SOAPElement ele = header.addChildElement( new QName( "http://uri", "name_of_header" ) );
        ele.addTextNode( "value_of_header" );
        ele = header.addChildElement( new QName( "http://uri", "name_of_header" ) );
        ele.addTextNode( "value_of_header" );
        ele = header.addChildElement( new QName( "http://uri", "name_of_header" ) );
        ele.addTextNode( "value_of_header" );


I hope this helps you

I'm adding this answer because none of the others worked for me.

I had to add a Header Handler to the Proxy:

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPHandler;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPMessageContext;

public class SOAPHeaderHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> {

    private final String authenticatedToken;

    public SOAPHeaderHandler(String authenticatedToken) {
        this.authenticatedToken = authenticatedToken;

    public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        Boolean outboundProperty =
                (Boolean) context.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY);
        if (outboundProperty.booleanValue()) {
            try {
                SOAPEnvelope envelope = context.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
                SOAPFactory factory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
                String prefix = "urn";
                String uri = "urn:xxxx";
                SOAPElement securityElem =
                        factory.createElement("Element", prefix, uri);
                SOAPElement tokenElem =
                        factory.createElement("Element2", prefix, uri);
                SOAPHeader header = envelope.addHeader();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            // inbound
        return true;

    public Set<QName> getHeaders() {
        return new TreeSet();

    public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        return false;

    public void close(MessageContext context) {

In the proxy, I just add the Handler:

BindingProvider bp =(BindingProvider)basicHttpBindingAuthentication;
bp.getBinding().getHandlerChain().add(new SOAPHeaderHandler(authenticatedToken));
bp.getBinding().getHandlerChain().add(new SOAPLoggingHandler());

Use maven and the plugin jaxws-maven-plugin. this will generate a web service client. Make sure you are setting the xadditionalHeaders to true. This will generate methods with header inputs.

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