[http] Dealing with HTTP content in HTTPS pages

We have a site which is accessed entirely over HTTPS, but sometimes display external content which is HTTP (images from RSS feeds, mainly). The vast majority of our users are also stuck on IE6.

I would ideally like to do both of the following

  • Prevent the IE warning message about insecure content (so that I can show a less intrusive one, e.g. by replacing the images with a default icon as below)
  • Present something useful to users in place of the images that they can't otherwise see; if there was some JS I could run to figure out which images haven't been loaded and replace them with an image of ours instead that would be great.

I suspect that the first aim is simply not possible, but the second may be sufficient.

A worst case scenario is that I parse the RSS feeds when we import them, grab the images store them locally so that the users can access them that way, but it seems like a lot of pain for reasonably little gain.

This question is related to http image https

The answer is

I don't know if this would fit what you are doing, but as a quick fix I would "wrap" the http content into an https script. For instance, on your page that is served through https i would introduce an iframe that would replace your rss feed and in the src attr of the iframe put a url of a script on your server that captures the feed and outputs the html. the script is reading the feed through http and outputs it through https (thus "wrapping")

Just a thought

It would be best to just have the http content on https

The accepted answer helped me update this both to PHP as well as CORS, so I thought I would include the solution for others:

pure PHP/HTML:

<?php // (the originating page, where you want to show the image)
// set your image location in whatever manner you need
$imageLocation = "http://example.com/exampleImage.png";

// set the location of your 'imageserve' program
$imageserveLocation = "https://example.com/imageserve.php";

// we'll look at the imageLocation and if it is already https, don't do anything, but if it is http, then run it through imageserve.php
$imageURL = (strstr("https://",$imageLocation)?"": $imageserveLocation . "?image=") . $imageLocation;

<!-- this is the HTML image -->
<img src="<?php echo $imageURL ?>" />


<img id="theImage" src="" />
    var imageLocation = "http://example.com/exampleImage.png";
    var imageserveLocation = "https://example.com/imageserve.php";
    var imageURL = ((imageLocation.indexOf("https://") !== -1) ? "" : imageserveLocation + "?image=") + imageLocation;
    // I'm using jQuery, but you can use just javascript...        

imageserve.php see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8719276/cors-with-php-headers?noredirect=1&lq=1 for more on CORS

// set your secure site URL here (where you are showing the images)
$mySecureSite = "https://example.com";

// here, you can set what kinds of images you will accept
$supported_images = array('png','jpeg','jpg','gif','ico');

// this is an ultra-minimal CORS - sending trusted data to yourself 
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $mySecureSite");

$parts = pathinfo($_GET['image']);
$extension = $parts['extension'];
if(in_array($extension,$supported_images)) {
    header("Content-Type: image/$extension");
    $image = file_get_contents($_GET['image']);
    echo $image;

If you're looking for a quick solution to load images over HTTPS then the free reverse proxy service at https://images.weserv.nl/ may interest you. It was exactly what I was looking for.

If you're looking for a paid solution, I have previously used Cloudinary.com which also works well but is too expensive solely for this task, in my opinion.

I realise that this is an old thread but one option is just to remove the http: part from the image URL so that 'http://some/image.jpg' becomes '//some/image.jpg'. This will also work with CDNs

Simply: DO NOT DO IT. Http Content within a HTTPS page is inherently insecure. Point. This is why IE shows a warning. Getting rid of the warning is a stupid hogwash approach.

Instead, a HTTPS page should only have HTTPS content. Make sure the content can be loaded via HTTPS, too, and reference it via https if the page is loaded via https. For external content this will mean loading and caching the elements locally so that they are available via https - sure. No way around that, sadly.

The warning is there for a good reason. Seriously. Spend 5 minutes thinking how you could take over a https shown page with custom content - you will be surprised.

Best way work for me

<img src="/path/image.png" />// this work only online
    <img src="../../path/image.png" /> // this work both
    or asign variable
    $base_url = '';
    if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost')
         $base_url = 'localpath'; 
    <img src="<?php echo $base_url;?>/path/image.png" /> 

Regarding your second requirement - you might be able to utilise the onerror event, ie. <img onerror="some javascript;"...


You could also try iterating through document.images in the dom. There is a complete boolean property which you might be able to use. I don't know for sure whether this will be suitable, but might be worth investigating.

Sometimes like in facebook apps we can not have non-secure contents in secure page. also we can not make local those contents. for example an app which will load in iFrame is not a simple content and we can not make it local.

I think we should never load http contents in https, also we should not fallback https page to http version to prevent error dialog.

the only way which will ensure user's security is to use https version of all contents, http://web.archive.org/web/20120502131549/http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/499/

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