Here is the conversion from aioobe converted to Kotlin:
fun Long.humanReadableByteCountBinary(): String {
val b = when (this) {
else -> abs(this)
return when {
b < 1024L -> "$this B"
b <= 0xfffccccccccccccL shr 40 -> "%.1f KiB".format(Locale.UK, this / 1024.0)
b <= 0xfffccccccccccccL shr 30 -> "%.1f MiB".format(Locale.UK, this / 1048576.0)
b <= 0xfffccccccccccccL shr 20 -> "%.1f GiB".format(Locale.UK, this / 1.073741824E9)
b <= 0xfffccccccccccccL shr 10 -> "%.1f TiB".format(Locale.UK, this / 1.099511627776E12)
b <= 0xfffccccccccccccL -> "%.1f PiB".format(Locale.UK, (this shr 10) / 1.099511627776E12)
else -> "%.1f EiB".format(Locale.UK, (this shr 20) / 1.099511627776E12)