[jquery] Remove a HTML tag but keep the innerHtml

I have some simple HTML which I need to strip simple formatting.

A nice house was found in <b>Toronto</b>.

I need to remove the bold, but leave the sentence intact.

How is this possible in jQuery?

This question is related to jquery

The answer is

// For MSIE:

// Old js, w/o loops, using DocumentFragment:
function replaceWithContents (el) {
  if (el.parentElement) {
    if (el.childNodes.length) {
      var range = document.createRange();
      el.parentNode.replaceChild(range.extractContents(), el);
    } else {

// Modern es:
const replaceWithContents = (el) => {

// or just:

// Today (2018) destructuring assignment works a little slower
// Modern es, using DocumentFragment.
// It may be faster than using ...rest
const replaceWithContents = (el) => {
  if (el.parentElement) {
    if (el.childNodes.length) {
      const range = document.createRange();
    } else {

Behold, for the simplest answer is mind blowing:

outerHTML is supported down to Internet Explorer 4 !

Here is to do it with javascript even without jQuery

element.outerHTML = element.innerHTML

with jQuery element = $('b')[0]; or without jQuery element = document.querySelector('b');

If you want it as a function:

function unwrap(selector) {
    var nodelist = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodelist, function(item,i){
        item.outerHTML = item.innerHTML; // or item.innerText if you want to remove all inner html tags 


This should work in all major browser including old IE. in recent browser, we can even call forEach right on the nodelist.

function unwrap(selector) {
    document.querySelectorAll('b').forEach( (item,i) => {
        item.outerHTML = item.innerText;
    } )

How about this?


The first line copies the HTML contents of the b tag to the location directly after the b tag, and then the second line removes the b tag from the DOM, leaving only its copied contents.

I normally wrap this into a function to make it easier to use:

function removeElementTags(element) {

All of the code is actually pure Javascript, the only JQuery being used is that to select the element to target (the b tag in the first example). The function is just pure JS :D

Also look at:

Another native solution (in coffee):

el = document.getElementsByTagName 'b'

docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment()
docFrag.appendChild el.firstChild while el.childNodes.length

el.parentNode.replaceChild docFrag, el

I don't know if it's faster than user113716's solution, but it might be easier to understand for some.

You can also use .replaceWith(), like this:

$("b").replaceWith(function() { return $(this).contents(); });

Or if you know it's just a string:

$("b").replaceWith(function() { return this.innerHTML; });

This can make a big difference if you're unwrapping a lot of elements since either approach above is significantly faster than the cost of .unwrap().

The simplest way to remove inner html elements and return only text would the JQuery .text() function.


var text = $('<p>A nice house was found in <b>Toronto</b></p>');

alert( text.html() );
//Outputs A nice house was found in <b>Toronto</b>

alert( text.text() );
////Outputs A nice house was found in Toronto

jsFiddle Demo