[javascript] Hide all elements with class using plain Javascript

I normally use document.getElementById('id').style.display = 'none' to hide a single div via Javascript. Is there a similarly simple way to hide all elements belonging to the same class?

I need a plain Javascript solution that does not use jQuery.

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

function getElementsByClassName(classname, node)  {
    if(!node) node = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    var a = [];
    var re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b');
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
    for(var i=0,j=els.length; i<j; i++)
    return a;

var elements = new Array();
elements = getElementsByClassName('yourClassName');
for(i in elements ){
     elements[i].style.display = "none";

Assuming you are dealing with a single class per element:

function swapCssClass(a,b) {
    while (document.querySelector('.' + a)) {
        document.querySelector('.' + a).className = b;

and then call simply call it with


As simple as the following:

let elements = document.querySelectorAll('.custom-class')

elements.forEach((item: any) => {
  item.style.display = 'none'

With that, you avoid all the looping, indexing, and such.

I would propose a different approach. Instead of changing the properties of all objects manually, let's add a new CSS to the document:

/* License: CC0 */
var newStylesheet = document.createElement('style');
newStylesheet.textContent = '.classname { display: none; }';

Late answer, but I found out that this is the simplest solution (if you don't use jQuery):

var myClasses = document.querySelectorAll('.my-class'),
    i = 0,
    l = myClasses.length;

for (i; i < l; i++) {
    myClasses[i].style.display = 'none';


I use a modified version of this:

function getElementsByClass(nameOfClass) {    
  var temp, all, elements;

  all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
  elements = [];

  for(var a=0;a<all.length;a++) {
    temp = all[a].className.split(" ");
    for(var b=0;b<temp.length;b++) {
      if(temp[b]==nameOfClass) { 
  return elements;

And JQuery will do this really easily too.

There are many ways to hide all elements which has certain class in javascript one way is to using for loop but here i want to show you other ways to doing it.

1.forEach and querySelectorAll('.classname')

document.querySelectorAll('.classname').forEach(function(el) {
   el.style.display = 'none';

2.for...of with getElementsByClassName

for (let element of document.getElementsByClassName("classname")){

3.Array.protoype.forEach getElementsByClassName

Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName("classname"), function(el) {
    // Do something amazing below
    el.style.display = 'none';

4.[ ].forEach and getElementsByClassName

[].forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName("classname"), function (el) {
    el.style.display = 'none';

i have shown some of the possible ways, there are also more ways to do it, but from above list you can Pick whichever suits and easy for you.

Note: all above methods are supported in modern browsers but may be some of them will not work in old age browsers like internet explorer.