[algorithm] Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number

Another solution in Swift: the idea is to create an hash that store values of (sum - currentValue) and compare this to the current value of the loop. The complexity is O(n).

func findPair(list: [Int], _ sum: Int) -> [(Int, Int)]? {
    var hash = Set<Int>() //save list of value of sum - item.
    var dictCount = [Int: Int]() //to avoid the case A*2 = sum where we have only one A in the array
    var foundKeys  = Set<Int>() //to avoid duplicated pair in the result.

    var result = [(Int, Int)]() //this is for the result.
    for item in list {

        //keep track of count of each element to avoid problem: [2, 3, 5], 10 -> result = (5,5)
        if (!dictCount.keys.contains(item)) {
            dictCount[item] = 1
        } else {
            dictCount[item] = dictCount[item]! + 1

        //if my hash does not contain the (sum - item) value -> insert to hash.
        if !hash.contains(sum-item) {

        //check if current item is the same as another hash value or not, if yes, return the tuple.
        if hash.contains(item) &&
            (dictCount[item] > 1 || sum != item*2) // check if we have item*2 = sum or not.
            if !foundKeys.contains(item) && !foundKeys.contains(sum-item) {
                foundKeys.insert(item) //add to found items in order to not to add duplicated pair.
                result.append((item, sum-item))
    return result

let a = findPair([2,3,5,4,1,7,6,8,9,5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3], 14) //will return (8,6) and (9,5)