[spring] With Spring can I make an optional path variable?

With Spring 3.0, can I have an optional path variable?

For example

@RequestMapping(value = "/json/{type}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody TestBean testAjax(
        HttpServletRequest req,
        @PathVariable String type,
        @RequestParam("track") String track) {
    return new TestBean();

Here I would like /json/abc or /json to call the same method.
One obvious workaround declare type as a request parameter:

@RequestMapping(value = "/json", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody TestBean testAjax(
        HttpServletRequest req,
        @RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) String type,
        @RequestParam("track") String track) {
    return new TestBean();

and then /json?type=abc&track=aa or /json?track=rr will work

This question is related to spring rest

The answer is

Spring 5 / Spring Boot 2 examples:


@GetMapping({"/dto-blocking/{type}", "/dto-blocking"})
public ResponseEntity<Dto> getDtoBlocking(
        @PathVariable(name = "type", required = false) String type) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(type)) {
        type = "default";
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(dtoBlockingRepo.findByType(type));


@GetMapping({"/dto-reactive/{type}", "/dto-reactive"})
public Mono<ResponseEntity<Dto>> getDtoReactive(
        @PathVariable(name = "type", required = false) String type) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(type)) {
        type = "default";
    return dtoReactiveRepo.findByType(type).map(dto -> ResponseEntity.ok().body(dto));

Simplified example of Nicolai Ehmann's comment and wildloop's answer (works with Spring 4.3.3+), basically you can use required = false now:

  @RequestMapping(value = {"/json/{type}", "/json" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public @ResponseBody TestBean testAjax(@PathVariable(required = false) String type) {
    if (type != null) {
      // ...
    return new TestBean();

You could use a :


for optional params rather than a pathVariable

If you are using Spring 4.1 and Java 8 you can use java.util.Optional which is supported in @RequestParam, @PathVariable, @RequestHeader and @MatrixVariable in Spring MVC -

@RequestMapping(value = {"/json/{type}", "/json" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody TestBean typedTestBean(
    @PathVariable Optional<String> type,
    @RequestParam("track") String track) {      
    if (type.isPresent()) {
        //type.get() will return type value
        //corresponds to path "/json/{type}"
    } else {
        //corresponds to path "/json"

            type : 'GET',
            url : '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/order/lastOrder',
            data : {partyId : partyId, orderId :orderId},
            success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) });

@RequestMapping(value = "/lastOrder", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody OrderBean lastOrderDetail(@RequestParam(value="partyId") Long partyId,@RequestParam(value="orderId",required=false) Long orderId,Model m ) {}

Check this Spring 3 WebMVC - Optional Path Variables. It shows an article of making an extension to AntPathMatcher to enable optional path variables and might be of help. All credits to Sebastian Herold for posting the article.

thanks Paul Wardrip in my case I use required.

@RequestMapping(value={ "/calificacion-usuario/{idUsuario}/{annio}/{mes}", "/calificacion-usuario/{idUsuario}" }, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Calificacion> getCalificacionByUsuario(@PathVariable String idUsuario
        , @PathVariable(required = false) Integer annio
        , @PathVariable(required = false) Integer mes) throws Exception {
    return repositoryCalificacion.findCalificacionByName(idUsuario, annio, mes);

Here is the answer straight from baeldung's reference page :- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-optional-path-variables

It's not well known that you can also inject a Map of the path variables using the @PathVariable annotation. I'm not sure if this feature is available in Spring 3.0 or if it was added later, but here is another way to solve the example:

@RequestMapping(value={ "/json/{type}", "/json" }, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody TestBean typedTestBean(
    @PathVariable Map<String, String> pathVariables,
    @RequestParam("track") String track) {

    if (pathVariables.containsKey("type")) {
        return new TestBean(pathVariables.get("type"));
    } else {
        return new TestBean();

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