[javascript] Replace last occurrence of character in string

Is there an easy way in javascript to replace the last occurrence of an '_' (underscore) in a given string?

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

    // Define variables_x000D_
    let haystack = 'I do not want to replace this, but this'_x000D_
    let needle = 'this'_x000D_
    let replacement = 'hey it works :)'_x000D_
    // Reverse it_x000D_
    haystack = Array.from(haystack).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    needle = Array.from(needle).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    replacement = Array.from(replacement).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    // Make the replacement_x000D_
    haystack = haystack.replace(needle, replacement)_x000D_
    // Reverse it back_x000D_
    let results = Array.from(haystack).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    // 'I do not want to replace this, but hey it works :)'

Reverse the string, replace the char, reverse the string.

Here is a post for reversing a string in javascript: How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?

Keep it simple

var someString = "a_b_c";
var newCharacter = "+";

var newString = someString.substring(0, someString.lastIndexOf('_')) + newCharacter + someString.substring(someString.lastIndexOf('_')+1);

var someString = "(/n{})+++(/n{})---(/n{})$$$";_x000D_
var toRemove = "(/n{})"; // should find & remove last occurrence _x000D_
function removeLast(s, r){_x000D_
  s = s.split(r)_x000D_
  return s.slice(0,-1).join(r) + s.pop()_x000D_
  removeLast(someString, toRemove)_x000D_


s = s.split(toRemove)         // ["", "+++", "---", "$$$"]
s.slice(0,-1)                 //  ["", "+++", "---"]   
s.slice(0,-1).join(toRemove)  // "})()+++})()---"
s.pop()                       //  "$$$"   

What about this?

function replaceLast(x, y, z){
  var a = x.split("");
  a[x.lastIndexOf(y)] = z;
  return a.join("");

replaceLast("Hello world!", "l", "x"); // Hello worxd!

This is very similar to mplungjan's answer, but can be a bit easier (especially if you need to do other string manipulation right after and want to keep it as an array) Anyway, I just thought I'd put it out there in case someone prefers it.

var str = 'a_b_c';_x000D_
str = str.split(''); //['a','_','b','_','c']_x000D_
str.splice(str.lastIndexOf('_'),1,'-'); //['a','_','b','-','c']_x000D_
str = str.join(''); //'a_b-c'

The '_' can be swapped out with the char you want to replace

And the '-' can be replaced with the char or string you want to replace it with

No need for jQuery nor regex assuming the character you want to replace exists in the string

Replace last char in a string

str = str.substring(0,str.length-2)+otherchar

Replace last underscore in a string

var pos = str.lastIndexOf('_');
str = str.substring(0,pos) + otherchar + str.substring(pos+1)

or use one of the regular expressions from the other answers

var str1 = "Replace the full stop with a questionmark."_x000D_
var str2 = "Replace last _ with another char other than the underscore _ near the end"_x000D_
// Replace last char in a string_x000D_
)  _x000D_
// alternative syntax_x000D_
// Replace last underscore in a string _x000D_
var pos = str2.lastIndexOf('_'), otherchar = "|";_x000D_
  str2.substring(0,pos) + otherchar + str2.substring(pos+1)_x000D_
// alternative syntax_x000D_
  str2.slice(0,pos) + otherchar + str2.slice(pos+1)_x000D_

Another super clear way of doing this could be as follows:

let modifiedString = originalString
   .replace('_', '')

This is a recursive way that removes multiple occurrences of "endchar":

function TrimEnd(str, endchar) {_x000D_
  while (str.endsWith(endchar) && str !== "" && endchar !== "") {_x000D_
    str = str.slice(0, -1);_x000D_
  return str;_x000D_
var res = TrimEnd("Look at me. I'm a string without dots at the end...", ".");_x000D_

You can use this code

var str="test_String_ABC";_x000D_
var strReplacedWith=" and ";_x000D_
var currentIndex = str.lastIndexOf("_");_x000D_
str = str.substring(0, currentIndex) + strReplacedWith + str.substring(currentIndex + 1, str.length);_x000D_