[collections] Size-limited queue that holds last N elements in Java

A very simple & quick question on Java libraries: is there a ready-made class that implements a Queue with a fixed maximum size - i.e. it always allows addition of elements, but it will silently remove head elements to accomodate space for newly added elements.

Of course, it's trivial to implement it manually:

import java.util.LinkedList;

public class LimitedQueue<E> extends LinkedList<E> {
    private int limit;

    public LimitedQueue(int limit) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public boolean add(E o) {
        while (size() > limit) { super.remove(); }
        return true;

As far as I see, there's no standard implementation in Java stdlibs, but may be there's one in Apache Commons or something like that?

This question is related to collections queue java

The answer is

    public class ArrayLimitedQueue<E> extends ArrayDeque<E> {

    private int limit;

    public ArrayLimitedQueue(int limit) {
        super(limit + 1);
        this.limit = limit;

    public boolean add(E o) {
        boolean added = super.add(o);
        while (added && size() > limit) {
        return added;

    public void addLast(E e) {
        while (size() > limit) {

    public boolean offerLast(E e) {
        boolean added = super.offerLast(e);
        while (added && size() > limit) {
        return added;

An LRUMap is another possibility, also from Apache Commons.


Use composition not extends (yes I mean extends, as in a reference to the extends keyword in java and yes this is inheritance). Composition is superier because it completely shields your implementation, allowing you to change the implementation without impacting the users of your class.

I recommend trying something like this (I'm typing directly into this window, so buyer beware of syntax errors):

public LimitedSizeQueue implements Queue
  private int maxSize;
  private LinkedList storageArea;

  public LimitedSizeQueue(final int maxSize)
    this.maxSize = maxSize;
    storageArea = new LinkedList();

  public boolean offer(ElementType element)
    if (storageArea.size() < maxSize)
      ... remove last element;

  ... the rest of this class

A better option (based on the answer by Asaf) might be to wrap the Apache Collections CircularFifoBuffer with a generic class. For example:

public LimitedSizeQueue<ElementType> implements Queue<ElementType>
    private int maxSize;
    private CircularFifoBuffer storageArea;

    public LimitedSizeQueue(final int maxSize)
        if (maxSize > 0)
            this.maxSize = maxSize;
            storateArea = new CircularFifoBuffer(maxSize);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("blah blah blah");

    ... implement the Queue interface using the CircularFifoBuffer class

You can use a MinMaxPriorityQueue from Google Guava, from the javadoc:

A min-max priority queue can be configured with a maximum size. If so, each time the size of the queue exceeds that value, the queue automatically removes its greatest element according to its comparator (which might be the element that was just added). This is different from conventional bounded queues, which either block or reject new elements when full.

I like @FractalizeR solution. But I would in addition keep and return the value from super.add(o)!

public class LimitedQueue<E> extends LinkedList<E> {

    private int limit;

    public LimitedQueue(int limit) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public boolean add(E o) {
        boolean added = super.add(o);
        while (added && size() > limit) {
        return added;

The only thing I know that has limited space is the BlockingQueue interface (which is e.g. implemented by the ArrayBlockingQueue class) - but they do not remove the first element if filled, but instead block the put operation until space is free (removed by other thread).

To my knowledge your trivial implementation is the easiest way to get such an behaviour.

Ok I'll share this option. This is a pretty performant option - it uses an array internally - and reuses entries. It's thread safe - and you can retrieve the contents as a List.

static class FixedSizeCircularReference<T> {
    T[] entries

    FixedSizeCircularReference(int size) {
        this.entries = new Object[size] as T[]
        this.size = size
    int cur = 0
    int size

    synchronized void add(T entry) {
        entries[cur++] = entry
        if (cur >= size) {
            cur = 0

    List<T> asList() {
        int c = cur
        int s = size
        T[] e = entries.collect() as T[]
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<>()
        int oldest = (c == s - 1) ? 0 : c
        for (int i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
            def entry = e[oldest + i < s ? oldest + i : oldest + i - s]
            if (entry) list.add(entry)
        return list

Guava now has an EvictingQueue, a non-blocking queue which automatically evicts elements from the head of the queue when attempting to add new elements onto the queue and it is full.

import java.util.Queue;
import com.google.common.collect.EvictingQueue;

Queue<Integer> fifo = EvictingQueue.create(2); 

// Observe the result: 
// [2, 3]

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