[html] What's the valid way to include an image with no src?

I have an image that I will dynamically populate with a src later with javascript but for ease I want the image tag to exist at pageload but just not display anything. I know <img src='' /> is invalid so what's the best way to do this?

This question is related to html validation

The answer is

These days IMHO the best short, sane & valid way for an empty img src is like this:

<img src="data:," alt>
<img src="data:," alt="Alternative Text">

The second example displays "Alternative Text" (plus broken-image-icon in Chrome and IE).

"data:," is a valid URI. An empty media-type defaults to text/plain. So it represents an empty text file and is equivalent to "data:text/plain,"

OT: All browsers understand plain alt. You can omit ="" , it's implicit per HTML spec.

As written in comments, this method is wrong.

I didn't find this answer before, but acording to W3 Specs valid empty src tag would be an anchor link #.

Example: src="#", src="#empty"

Page validates successfully and no extra request are made.

<img src="invis.gif" />

Where invis.gif is a single pixel transparent gif. This won't break in future browser versions and has been working in legacy browsers since the '90s.

png should work too but in my tests, the gif was 43 bytes and the png was 167 bytes so the gif won.

p.s. don't forget an alt tag, validators like them too.

Building off of Ben Blank's answer, the only way that I got this to validate in the w3 validator was like so:

<img src="/./.:0" alt="">`

Another option is to embed a blank image. Any image that suits your purpose will do, but the following example encodes a GIF that is only 26 bytes - from http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever

<img src="" width="0" height="0" alt="" />

Edit based on comment below:

Of course, you must consider your browser support requirements. No support for IE7 or less is notable. http://caniuse.com/datauri

Simply, Like this:

<img id="give_me_src"/>

I personally use an about:blank src and deal with the broken image icon by setting the opacity of the img element to 0.

if you keep src attribute empty browser will sent request to current page url always add 1*1 transparent img in src attribute if dont want any url


I found that simply setting the src to an empty string and adding a rule to your CSS to hide the broken image icon works just fine.

[src=''] {
    visibility: hidden;

I've found that using:

<img src="file://null">

will not make a request and validates correctly.

The browsers will simply block the access to the local file system.

But there might be an error displayed in console log in Chrome for example:

Not allowed to load local resource: file://null/

I recommend dynamically adding the elements, and if using jQuery or other JavaScript library, it is quite simple:

also look at prepend and append. Otherwise if you have an image tag like that, and you want to make it validate, then you might consider using a dummy image, such as a 1px transparent gif or png.

Use a truly blank, valid and highly compatible SVG, based on this article:


It will default in size to 300x150px as any SVG does, but you can work with that in your img element default styles, as you would possibly need in any case in the practical implementation.

I haven't done this in a while, but I had to go through this same thing once.

<img src="about:blank" alt="" />

Is my favorite - the //:0 one implies that you'll try to make an HTTP/HTTPS connection to the origin server on port zero (the tcpmux port?) - which is probably harmless, but I'd rather not do anyways. Heck, the browser may see the port zero and not even send a request. But I'd still rather it not be specified that way when that's probably not what you mean.

Anyways, the rendering of about:blank is actually very fast in all browsers that I tested. I just threw it into the W3C validator and it didn't complain, so it might even be valid.

Edit: Don't do that; it doesn't work on all browsers (it will show a 'broken image' icon as pointed out in the comments for this answer). Use the <img src='data:... solution below. Or if you don't care about validity, but still want to avoid superfluous requests to your server, you can do <img alt="" /> with no src attribute. But that is INVALID HTML so pick that carefully.

Test Page showing a whole bunch of different methods: http://desk.nu/blank_image.php - served with all kinds of different doctypes and content-types. - as mentioned in the comments below, use Mark Ormston's new test page at: http://memso.com/Test/BlankImage.html