[android] How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android?

By using this class you can apply "dashed and underline" effect to multiple lines text. to use DashPathEffect you have to turn off hardwareAccelerated of your TextView(though DashPathEffect method has a problem with long text). you can find my sample project here: https://github.com/jintoga/Dashed-Underlined-TextView/blob/master/Untitled.png.

public class DashedUnderlineSpan implements LineBackgroundSpan, LineHeightSpan {

    private Paint paint;
    private TextView textView;
    private float offsetY;
    private float spacingExtra;

    public DashedUnderlineSpan(TextView textView, int color, float thickness, float dashPath,
                               float offsetY, float spacingExtra) {
        this.paint = new Paint();
        this.paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] { dashPath, dashPath }, 0));
        this.textView = textView;
        this.offsetY = offsetY;
        this.spacingExtra = spacingExtra;

    public void chooseHeight(CharSequence text, int start, int end, int spanstartv, int v,
                             Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) {
        fm.ascent -= spacingExtra;
        fm.top -= spacingExtra;
        fm.descent += spacingExtra;
        fm.bottom += spacingExtra;

    public void drawBackground(Canvas canvas, Paint p, int left, int right, int top, int baseline,
                               int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, int lnum) {
        int lineNum = textView.getLineCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {
            Layout layout = textView.getLayout();
            canvas.drawLine(layout.getLineLeft(i), layout.getLineBottom(i) - spacingExtra + offsetY,
                    layout.getLineRight(i), layout.getLineBottom(i) - spacingExtra + offsetY,


dashed underline