[jquery] jQuery Datepicker onchange event issue

I have a JS code in which when you change a field it calls a search routine. The problem is that I can't find any jQuery events that will fire when the Datepicker updates the input field.

For some reason, a change event is not called when Datepicker updates the field. When the calendar pops up it changes the focus so I can't use that either. Any ideas?

This question is related to jquery datepicker

The answer is

Your looking for the onSelect event in the datepicker object:

   onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { ... }

$('#inputfield').change(function() { 

My solution is:

events: {
    'apply.daterangepicker #selector': 'function'

Manual says:

apply.daterangepicker: Triggered when the apply button is clicked, or when a predefined range is clicked


  locale: { cancelLabel: 'Clear' }  

$('#daterange').on('apply.daterangepicker', function() {

Works for me.

I am using bootstrap-datepicker and none of above solution worked for me. This answer helped me ..

bootstrap datepicker change date event doesnt fire up when manually editing dates or clearing date

Here is what I applied:

     endDate: new Date(),
     autoclose: true,
 }).on('changeDate', function(ev){
        //my work here

Hope this can help others.

I think your problem may lie in how your datepicker is setup. Why don't you disconnect the input... do not use altField. Instead explicitly set the values when the onSelect fires. This will give you control of each interaction; the user text field, and the datepicker.

Note: Sometimes you have to call the routine on .change() and not .onSelect() because onSelect can be called on different interactions that you are not expecting.

Pseudo Code:

    //altField: , //do not use
    onSelect: function(date){
        $('#date').val(date); //Set my textbox value
        //Do your search routine
    //Or do it here...

    var thisDate = $(this).val();
        $('#date').datepicker('setDate', thisDate); //Set my datepicker value
        //Do your search routine

T.J. Crowder's answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/6471992/481154) is very good and still remains accurate. Triggering the change event within the onSelect function is as close as you're going to get.

However, there is a nice property on the datepicker object (lastVal) that will allow you to conditionally trigger the change event only on actual changes without having to store the value(s) yourself:

     onSelect: function(d,i){
          if(d !== i.lastVal){

Then just handle change events like normal:

     //Change code!

DatePicker selected value change event code below

/* HTML Part */
<p>Date: <input type="text" id="datepicker"></p>

/* jQuery Part */
$("#datepicker").change(function() {
                selectedDate= $('#datepicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }).val();

I know this is an old question. But i couldnt get the jquery $(this).change() event to fire correctly onSelect. So i went with the following approach to fire the change event via vanilla js.

     showOn: 'focus',
     dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy',
     changeMonth: true,
     changeYear: true,
     onSelect: function() {
         var event;
         if(typeof window.Event == "function"){
             event = new Event('change');
         }   else {
             event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
             event.initEvent('change', false, false);

My soluthion:

var $dateInput = $('#dateInput');

    onSelect: function(f,d,i){
        if(d !== i.lastVal){

$dateInput.on("change", function () {
   //your code

if you are using wdcalendar this going to help you

        picker: "<button class='calpick'></button>",
          var today = new Date();
          var birthDate = d;
          var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
          var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
          if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {

          $('#ageshow')[0].innerHTML="Age: "+age;
          $("#PatientBirthday").val((d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + '/' +  d.getFullYear());

the event onReturn works for me

hope this help

On jQueryUi 1.9 I've managed to get it to work through an additional data value and a combination of beforeShow and onSelect functions:

$( ".datepicker" ).datepicker({
    beforeShow: function( el ){
        // set the current value before showing the widget
        $(this).data('previous', $(el).val() );

    onSelect: function( newText ){
        // compare the new value to the previous one
        if( $(this).data('previous') != newText ){
            // do whatever has to be done, e.g. log it to console
            console.log( 'changed to: ' + newText );

Works for me :)

Try :

$('#idPicker').on('changeDate', function() {
    var date = $('#idPicker').datepicker('getFormattedDate');

Try this

 onSelect: function(){

Hope this helps:)

I wrote this because I needed a solution to trigger an event only if the date changed.

It is a simple solution. Each time the dialog box closes we test to see if the data has changed. If it has, we trigger a custom event and reset the stored value.

    onClose: function(dateText,datePickerInstance) {
        var oldValue = $(this).data('oldValue') || "";
        if (dateText !== oldValue) {

Now we can hook up handlers for that custom event...

$('body').on('dateupdated','.datetime', function(e) {
    // do something