I created a 2 prototype to handle this for me, one for a number, and one for a String.
// This is a safety check to make sure the prototype is not already defined.
Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) {
if (!this.prototype[name]) {
this.prototype[name] = func;
return this;
// returns the int value or -1 by default if it fails
Number.method('tryParseInt', function (defaultValue) {
return parseInt(this) == this ? parseInt(this) : (defaultValue === undefined ? -1 : defaultValue);
// returns the int value or -1 by default if it fails
String.method('tryParseInt', function (defaultValue) {
return parseInt(this) == this ? parseInt(this) : (defaultValue === undefined ? -1 : defaultValue);
If you dont want to use the safety check, use
String.prototype.tryParseInt = function(){
/*Method body here*/
Number.prototype.tryParseInt = function(){
/*Method body here*/
Example usage:
var test = 1;
console.log(test.tryParseInt()); // returns 1
var test2 = '1';
console.log(test2.tryParseInt()); // returns 1
var test3 = '1a';
console.log(test3.tryParseInt()); // returns -1 as that is the default
var test4 = '1a';
console.log(test4.tryParseInt(0));// returns 0, the specified default value