[android] How to destroy Fragment?

I have one Activity. The Activity has two Fragments. Fragment A is Menu. Fragment B is Detail.

I try to Make other Fragment C in Fragment B, so, There are 3 Fragment in the Activity. And I try to Replace Fragment B to Fragment D.

I guess Fragment B and C is dead. BUT these Fragments is alive. Just Fragments are onDestroyView() state. I want onDestroy() or onDetach().

What do I do for Fragments.onDestroy() or onDetach()? I can't destroy or change the Activity.

This question is related to android android-fragments

The answer is

If you don't remove manually these fragments, they are still attached to the activity. Your activity is not destroyed so these fragments are too. To remove (so destroy) these fragments, you can call:


Hope it helps to you

If you are in the fragment itself, you need to call this. Your fragment needs to be the fragment that is being called. Enter code:


or if you are using supportLib, then you need to call:


Use this if you're in the fragment.

        public void onDestroy() {

            getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().remove((Fragment) youfragmentname).commitAllowingStateLoss();


Give a try to this

public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    FragmentManager manager = ((Fragment) object).getFragmentManager();
    FragmentTransaction trans = manager.beginTransaction();
    trans.remove((Fragment) object);

    super.destroyItem(container, position, object);

It's used in Kotlin
