[html] font awesome icon in select option

I used this solution and it worked with Font Awesome 5: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50973559/3813846

What made the difference in my case was to add font-weight: 900;to the class. Keep in mind to 'fa' to the value.

Example of my code:

<select class="text-primary fa-select" name="class_logo" required>
  <option value="fa address-book">&#xf2b9; address-book</option>
  <option value="fa adjust">&#xf042; adjust</option>
  <option value="fa air-freshener">&#xf5d0; air-freshener</option>


.fa-select {
    font-family: 'Lato', 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
    font-weight: 900;

Edit: If you are mixing Solid Icons with Brand Icons in the select, change the CSS as follows:

.fa-select {
    font-family: 'Lato', 'Font Awesome 5 Free', 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
    font-weight: 900;