[git] How to get certain commit from GitHub project

As addition to the accepted answer:

To see the hashes you need to use the suggested command "git checkout hash", you can use git log. Hoewever, depending on what you need, there is an easier way than copy/pasting hashes.

You can use git log --oneline to read many commit messages in a more compressed format.

Lets say you see this a one-line list of the commits with minimal information and only partly visible hashes:

hash111 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
hash222 last commit
hash333 I want this one
hash444 did something

If you want last commit, you can use git checkout master^. The ^ gives you the commit before the master. So hash222.

If you want the n-th last commit, you can use git checkout master~n. For example, using git checkout master~2would give you the commit hash333.