[jquery] How to get ID of clicked element with jQuery

I have the following html:

<a href="#" id="#1" class="pagerlink" >link</a>
<a href="#" id="#3" class="pagerlink" >link</a>
<a href="#" id="#2" class="pagerlink" >link</a>
/*etc.... */

and the following jQuery script:

$(document).ready(function() {

    var $container = $('.gallery_r').cycle({ 
        fx:     'scrollHorz', 
        speed:   500, 
        timeout: 0 

    $('a.pagerlink').click(function() { 
        var id = $(this).attr('id');
        return false; 


the 'pagerlink' links control are to jQuery Cycle slideshow. If I swap this line:


for this


it works... (obviously only navigating to slide number 7). So, my question is how can I pick up the ID of the link being clicked and pass it into that line?

Thanks in advance!

This question is related to jquery jquery-cycle

The answer is

First off you can't have just a number for your id unless you are using the HTML5 DOCTYPE. Secondly, you need to either remove the # in each id or replace it with this:


@Adam Just add a function using onClick="getId()"

function getId(){console.log(this.event.target.id)}

You just need to remove the hash from the beginning:

$('a.pagerlink').click(function() { 
    var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
    return false; 

Your id will be passed through as #1, #2 etc. However, # is not valid as an ID (CSS selectors prefix IDs with #).