[sql-server] SQL Server - find nth occurrence in a string

Inspired by Alex K's reply One way (2k8), I have created a script for a Token Function for the SQL Server for returning a specific token from a string. I needed this for refacturing a SSIS-package to T-SQL without having to implement Alex' solution a number of times manually. My function has one disadvantage: It returns the token value as a table (one column, one row) instead of as a varchar value. If anyone has a solution for this, please let me know.


create function [RDW].[token] (@string varchar(8000), @split varchar(50), @returnIndex int) 
returns table  
    return with T(img, starts, pos, [index]) as ( 
        select @string, 1, charindex(@split, @string), 0 
        union all 
        select @string, pos + 1, charindex(@split, @string, pos + 1), [index]+1 
        from t 
        where pos > 0
    select substring(img, starts, case when pos > 0 then pos - starts else len(img) end) token
    from T
    where [index] = @returnIndex