[git] Configuring user and password with Git Bash

I am using Git Bash on Windows 7. We are using GitHub as our repository origin.

Every time I push or pull I have to provide user and password credentials. I know that my SSH keys are set up correctly, otherwise I would not be able to access the repository. (That is, once I enter my credentials the push/pull works correctly.)

I have entered

git config --global user.name myusername
git config --global user.email myemail
git config --global github.user myusername
git config --global github.token mytoken

But nonetheless I am being asked for credentials each and every time I push/pull.

This question is related to git github credentials

The answer is

Make sure you are using the SSH URL for the GitHub repository rather than the HTTPS URL. It will ask for username and password when you are using HTTPS and not SSH. You can check the file .git/config or run git config -e or git remote show origin to verify the URL and change it if needed.

If the git bash is not working properly due to recently changed password.

You could open the Git GUI, and clone from there. It will ask for password, once entered, you can close the GIT GUI window.

Now the git bash will work perfectly.

Try ssh-agent for installing the SSH key for use with Git. It should auto login after use of a passphrase.

If your repo is of HTTPS repo, git config -e give this command in the git bash. Update the username and password by opening in insert mode, change the password or username give :x and Cntrl+z keys it will save and exit

So, From then while you pull / push the code to the repository it will not ask for password.

I wrote the answer inside this link;

Still, I am sharing it here as well.

Change username and email global

git config --global user.name "<username>"
git config --global user.email "<email>"

Change username and email for current repo

git config  user.name "<username>" --replace-all
git config  user.email "<email>" --replace-all

add remote as:

git remote add https://username:[email protected]/repodir/myrepo.git

With git bash for Windows, the following combination of the other answers worked for me (repository checked out using the GitHub client i.e. https, not ssh):

  1. Generate a Personal Access Token
  2. Start a git bash session within your repo
  3. run git config --global credential.helper wincred
  4. run git pull
  5. give PersonalAccessToken as the username
  6. give the Personal Access Token as the password

From Git Bash I prefer to run the command:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

At that point running a command like git pull and entering your credentials one time should have it stored for future use. Git has a built-in credentials system that works in different OS environments. You can get more details here: 7.14 Git Tools - Credential Storage

If you are a Mac user and have keychain enabled, you to need to remove the authorization information that is stored in the keychain:

- Open up Keychain access
- Click "All items" under category in the left-hand column
- Search for git
- Delete all git entries.

Then you should change your username and email from the terminal using git config:

$ git config --global user.name "Bob"

$ git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Now if you try to push to the repository you will be asked for a username and password. Enter the login credentials you are trying to switch to. This problem normally pops up if you signed into GitHub on a browser using a different username and password or previously switched accounts on your terminal.

GnuPG can be used as cross-platform password manager, including GIT HTTPS credetials. Just use your GPG key-pair to encrypt/decrypt passwords(tokens...). To encrypt token(password) run:


type the token (or copy-paste it) then press Ctrl+D for ending input, or use file name with this token. Then make custom git credential helper: BASH file with name git-credential-[HELPER_LAST_NAME] (without SH extension):

token=`gpg -d -r "[GPG_KEY_USER_ID]" [PATH_TO_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN] 2>/dev/null`
echo protocol=https
echo host=[YOUR_HOST]
echo username=[YOUR_USER_NAME]
echo password=$token

On MS-WINDOWS in GIT-BASH path names must use UNIX file separator - "/", just run in git-bash "echo $PATH"! Then put the helper into place as in $PATH. Then add and check the helper:

git config --global credential.helper [HELPER_LAST_NAME]
#then check it (password will be printed as plain text!!!):
git credential-[HELPER_LAST_NAME]

GnuPG can be used as password manager in Maven projects instead of Maven's password-encryption method. And so on.

For those who are using access token and a Windows environment, there is a simple way to do it:

Start menu ? Credential Manager ? Windows Credentials ? find the line (Git: https://whatever/your-repository/url) ? edit, user name is "PersonalAccessToken" and password is your access token.

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