[jquery] What are some reasons for jquery .focus() not working?

Some thoughts are that the ELEMENT_ID.focus() is inside divs that are hidden at certain times.

This should be an easy problem to solve -- but I'm struggling :(

***code works fine -- the text field isn't being focused on upon page loading up.



 var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
  if(keycode == '13') {
etc, etc, etc


<input type="text" id="goal-input" name="goal" />


 if (goal) {
          step1.fadeOut('fast', function() {

etc, etc


  <div id="step-2">
        <div class="notifications">
        <input type="text" id="name"   name="name" placeholder="Name" />
               <script type="text/javascript">

Why doesn't step 2 work? :(

This question is related to jquery focus

The answer is

Don't forget that an input field must be visible first, thereafter you're able to focus it.

$("#elementid input[type=text]").focus();

I found that focus does not work when trying to get a focus on a text element (such as a notice div), but does work when focusing on input fields.

The problem in my case was that I entered a value IN THE LAST NOT DISABLED ELEMENT of the site and used tab to raise the onChange-Event. After that there is no next element to get the focus, so the "browser"-Focus switches to the browser-functionality (tabs, menu, and so on) and is not any longer inside the html-content.

To understand that, place a displayed, not disabled dummy-textbox at the end of your html-code. In that you can "park" the focus for later replacing. Should work. In my case. All other tries didnt work, also the setTimeout-Version.

Checked this out for about an hour, because it made me insane :)


Only "keyboard focusable" elements can be focused with .focus(). div aren't meant to be natively focusable. You have to add tabindex="0" attributes to it to achieve that. input, button, a etc... are natively focusable.

Try something like this when you are applying focus that way if the element is hidden, it won't throw an error:


It may make more sense to make the element visible, though that will require code specific to your layout.

The problem is there is a JavaScript .focus and a jQuery .focus function. This call to .focus is ambiguous. So it doesn't always work. What I do is cast my jQuery object to a JavaScript object and use the JavaScript .focus. This works for me:


This solved!!!

}, 500);

You can adjust time accordingly.

I had problems triggering focus on an element (a form input) that was transitioning into the page. I found it was fixable by invoking the focus event from inside a setTimeout with no delay on it. As I understand it (from, eg. this answer), this delays the function until the current execution queue finishes, so in this case it delays the focus event until the transition has completed.
