[javascript] How to overload functions in javascript?

Classical (non-js) approach to overloading:

function myFunc(){

function myFunc(overloaded){
 //other code

Javascript wont let more than one function be defined with the same name. As such, things like this show up:

function myFunc(options){

Is there a better workaround for function overloading in javascript other than passing an object with the overloads in it?

Passing in overloads can quickly cause a function to become too verbose because each possible overload would then need a conditional statement. Using functions to accomplish the //code inside of those conditional statements can cause tricky situations with scopes.

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

For this you need to create a function that adds the function to an object, then it will execute depending on the amount of arguments you send to the function:

<script > 
//Main function to add the methods
function addMethod(object, name, fn) {
  var old = object[name];
  object[name] = function(){
    if (fn.length == arguments.length)
      return fn.apply(this, arguments)
    else if (typeof old == 'function')
      return old.apply(this, arguments);

?  var ninjas = {
   values: ["Dean Edwards", "Sam Stephenson", "Alex Russell"]

//Here we declare the first function with no arguments passed
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(){
    return this.values;

//Second function with one argument
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(name){
    var ret = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++)
      if (this.values[i].indexOf(name) == 0)
    return ret;

//Third function with two arguments
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(first, last){
    var ret = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++)
      if (this.values[i] == (first + " " + last))
    return ret;

//Now you can do:
ninjas.find("Dean", "Edwards")

In javascript you can implement the function just once and invoke the function without the parameters myFunc() You then check to see if options is 'undefined'

function myFunc(options){
 if(typeof options != 'undefined'){

I tried to develop an elegant solution to this problem described here. And you can find the demo here. The usage looks like this:

var out = def({
    'int': function(a) {
        alert('Here is int '+a);

    'float': function(a) {
        alert('Here is float '+a);

    'string': function(a) {
        alert('Here is string '+a);

    'int,string': function(a, b) {
        alert('Here is an int '+a+' and a string '+b);
    'default': function(obj) {
        alert('Here is some other value '+ obj);


out(2, 'robot');

The methods used to achieve this:

var def = function(functions, parent) {
 return function() {
    var types = [];
    var args = [];
    eachArg(arguments, function(i, elem) {
    if(functions.hasOwnProperty(types.join())) {
        return functions[types.join()].apply(parent, args);
    } else {
        if (typeof functions === 'function')
            return functions.apply(parent, args);
        if (functions.hasOwnProperty('default'))
            return functions['default'].apply(parent, args);        

var eachArg = function(args, fn) {
 var i = 0;
 while (args.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
    if(fn !== undefined)
        fn(i, args[i]);
 return i-1;

var whatis = function(val) {

 if(val === undefined)
    return 'undefined';
 if(val === null)
    return 'null';

 var type = typeof val;

 if(type === 'object') {
    if(val.hasOwnProperty('length') && val.hasOwnProperty('push'))
        return 'array';
    if(val.hasOwnProperty('getDate') && val.hasOwnProperty('toLocaleTimeString'))
        return 'date';
        type = 'number';
    if(val.hasOwnProperty('substring') && val.hasOwnProperty('length'))
        return 'string';

 if(type === 'number') {
    if(val.toString().indexOf('.') > 0)
        return 'float';
        return 'int';

 return type;


var getItems = leFunc({
  "string": function(id){
    // Do something
  "string,object": function(id, options){
    // Do something else
  "string,object,function": function(id, options, callback){
    // Do something different
  "object,string,function": function(options, message, callback){
    // Do something ca-raaaaazzzy

getItems("123abc"); // Calls the first function - "string"
getItems("123abc", {poop: true}); // Calls the second function - "string,object"
getItems("123abc", {butt: true}, function(){}); // Calls the third function - "string,object,function"
getItems({butt: true}, "What what?" function(){}); // Calls the fourth function - "object,string,function"

No Problem with Overloading in JS , The pb how to maintain a clean code when overloading function ?

You can use a forward to have clean code, based on two things:

  1. Number of arguments (when calling the function).
  2. Type of arguments (when calling the function)

      function myFunc(){
          return window['myFunc_'+arguments.length+Array.from(arguments).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')](...arguments);
        /** one argument & this argument is string */
      function myFunc_1_string(){
       /** one argument & this argument is object */
      function myFunc_1_object(){
      /** two arguments & those arguments are both string */
      function myFunc_2_string_string(){
      /** Three arguments & those arguments are : id(number),name(string), callback(function) */
      function myFunc_3_number_string_function(){
                let args=arguments;
                  new Person(args[0],args[1]).onReady(args[3]);
       //--- And so on ....   

Check this out:


Basically in your class, you number your functions that you want to be overloaded and then with one function call you add function overloading, fast and easy.

Since JavaScript doesn't have function overload options object can be used instead. If there are one or two required arguments, it's better to keep them separate from the options object. Here is an example on how to use options object and populated values to default value in case if value was not passed in options object.

function optionsObjectTest(x, y, opts) {
    opts = opts || {}; // default to an empty options object

    var stringValue = opts.stringValue || "string default value";
    var boolValue = !!opts.boolValue; // coerces value to boolean with a double negation pattern
    var numericValue = opts.numericValue === undefined ? 123 : opts.numericValue;

    return "{x:" + x + ", y:" + y + ", stringValue:'" + stringValue + "', boolValue:" + boolValue + ", numericValue:" + numericValue + "}";


here is an example on how to use options object

You cannot do method overloading in strict sense. Not like the way it is supported in java or c#.

The issue is that JavaScript does NOT natively support method overloading. So, if it sees/parses two or more functions with a same names it’ll just consider the last defined function and overwrite the previous ones.

One of the way I think is suitable for most of the case is follows -

Lets say you have method

function foo(x)

Instead of overloading method which is not possible in javascript you can define a new method


and then modify the 1st function as follows -

function foo(x)
     return fooNew(arguments[0],  arguments[1]);

If you have many such overloaded method consider using switch than just if-else statements.

(more details) PS: Above link goes to my personal blog that has additional details on this.

I like to add sub functions within a parent function to achieve the ability to differentiate between argument groups for the same functionality.

var doSomething = function() {
    var foo;
    var bar;

doSomething.withArgSet1 = function(arg0, arg1) {
    var obj = new doSomething();
    // do something the first way
    return obj;

doSomething.withArgSet2 = function(arg2, arg3) {
    var obj = new doSomething();
    // do something the second way
    return obj;

What you are trying to achieve is best done using the function's local arguments variable.

function foo() {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
        //do something
    if (arguments.length === 1) {
        //do something else

foo(); //do something
foo('one'); //do something else

You can find a better explanation of how this works here.

Overloading a function in JavaScript can be done in many ways. All of them involve a single master function that either performs all the processes, or delegates to sub-functions/processes.

One of the most common simple techniques involves a simple switch:

function foo(a, b) {
    switch (arguments.length) {
    case 0:
        //do basic code
    case 1:
        //do code with `a`
    case 2:
        //do code with `a` & `b`

A more elegant technique would be to use an array (or object if you're not making overloads for every argument count):

fooArr = [
    function () {
    function (a) {
    function (a,b) {
function foo(a, b) {
    return fooArr[arguments.length](a, b);

That previous example isn't very elegant, anyone could modify fooArr, and it would fail if someone passes in more than 2 arguments to foo, so a better form would be to use a module pattern and a few checks:

var foo = (function () {
    var fns;
    fns = [
        function () {
        function (a) {
        function (a, b) {
    function foo(a, b) {
        var fnIndex;
        fnIndex = arguments.length;
        if (fnIndex > foo.length) {
            fnIndex = foo.length;
        return fns[fnIndex].call(this, a, b);
    return foo;

Of course your overloads might want to use a dynamic number of parameters, so you could use an object for the fns collection.

var foo = (function () {
    var fns;
    fns = {};
    fns[0] = function () {
    fns[1] = function (a) {
    fns[2] = function (a, b) {
    fns.params = function (a, b /*, params */) {
    function foo(a, b) {
        var fnIndex;
        fnIndex = arguments.length;
        if (fnIndex > foo.length) {
            fnIndex = 'params';
        return fns[fnIndex].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
    return foo;

My personal preference tends to be the switch, although it does bulk up the master function. A common example of where I'd use this technique would be a accessor/mutator method:

function Foo() {} //constructor
Foo.prototype = {
    bar: function (val) {
        switch (arguments.length) {
        case 0:
            return this._bar;
        case 1:
            this._bar = val;
            return this;

I am using a bit different overloading approach based on arguments number. However i believe John Fawcett's approach is also good. Here the example, code based on John Resig's (jQuery's Author) explanations.

// o = existing object, n = function name, f = function.
    function overload(o, n, f){
        var old = o[n];
        o[n] = function(){
            if(f.length == arguments.length){
                return f.apply(this, arguments);
            else if(typeof o == 'function'){
                return old.apply(this, arguments);


var obj = {};
overload(obj, 'function_name', function(){ /* what we will do if no args passed? */});
overload(obj, 'function_name', function(first){ /* what we will do if 1 arg passed? */});
overload(obj, 'function_name', function(first, second){ /* what we will do if 2 args passed? */});
overload(obj, 'function_name', function(first,second,third){ /* what we will do if 3 args passed? */});
//... etc :)

How about using spread operator as a parameter? The same block can be called with Multiple parameters. All the parameters are added into an array and inside the method you can loop in based on the length.

    function mName(...opt){
    mName(1,2,3,4); //[1,2,3,4]
    mName(1,2,3); //[1,2,3]