[asp.net] The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml": "Scripts"

I'm new to ASP MVC and utilizing the Intro to ASP MVC 4 Beta tutorial http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-4/getting-started-with-aspnet-mvc4/intro-to-aspnet-mvc-4

I'm encountering an error that I can't seem to find an answer to nor do I have much programming experience so I don't know where to even start to fix this an move on with the tutorial. I appreciate any help you can provide.

I'm in the Accessing Your Model's Data from a Controller section and I am getting this error when I attempt to creat a Movie as a part of the tutorial, I click on the the link "Create New" and I get the following error

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page >"~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml": "Scripts"

Rather than use Visual Studio express, I opted to download Visual Studio 2012 RC (not sure if that would be the root cause of my issue.

I realize you may require me to include code to answer this but I'm not sure what code to even include. Please advise what code you need me to include if any and I will be happy to add it to my question.

Thank you,

This question is related to asp.net asp.net-mvc

The answer is

I solved this problem by using the following,

@await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial")

check the speling and Upper/Lower case of term ""

when ever we write @RenderSection("name", required: false) make sure that the razor view Contains a section @section name{} so check the speling and Upper/Lower case of term "" Correct in this case is "Scripts"

It appears that there is a mismatch between the View files that some versions of Visual Studio auto-generates for you when you use it to create a new Model. I encountered this problem using the new VS 2013 Community Edition and walking through the W3Schools tutorial at http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/mvc_app.asp but the comments above indicate that its not a problem with the tutorial directions or with a single version of VS.

It is true that you can make the error message go away by just removing the


line from the create/edit layouts that were autogenerated by Visual Studio.

But that solution does not address the root cause or leave you in a good place to do more than finish walking through the tutorial. At some point (probably fairly early) in the development of a real application, you are going to want access to the jquery validation code that the commenting-out solution removes from your app.

If you use VS to create a new model for you, it also creates a set of five View files: Create, Delete, Details, Edit, and Index. Two of these views, Create and Edit are intended to let the user add/edit data for the fields in database records that underlie the model. For those views in a real app, you will probably want to do some amount of data validation using the jquery validation library before you save the record in the db. That is why VS adds the following lines

@section Scripts {

to the bottom of those two views and not others. The autogenerated code is trying to make the validation library available for those views, but not the others.

The error happens because VS either doesn't add a corresponding line to the shared _Layout.cshtml file or, see one answer above, adds it but leaves it commented out. This line is

@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

If some of your views have a scripts section (as Create and Edit do), there has to be a RenderSection command embedded in the layout. If some scripts have the section and some do not (as Delete, Details, and Index do not), the RenderSection command has to have the required: false parameter.

So the best solution, if you want to do anything more than just finish walking through the tutorial, is to add the statement to _Layout.cshtml not remove the code from the Edit and Create views.

P.S. It is a bit of a confuser, here, that what is being required is in a 'bundle' and the require statement looks like it is trying to include a file in a bundles folder that does not exist in your project. But, for debug builds and tutorials, that's not relevant since the bundled files get included one at a time. See: http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/performance/bundling-and-minification The code that is at issue here is mentioned briefly about two-thirds of the way down the page.

I have also commented **@section Scripts than it's running smoothly. :)

I had a case with 3 levels a'la _MainLayout.cshtml <--- _Middle.cshtml <--- Page.cshtml. Even though doing like this:


   @RenderSection("head", false)


@section head {

and in Page.cshtml defining

@section head {

I would still get the error

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page “~/Views/Shared/_Middle.cshtml”: "head".

Turned out, the error was for the Middle.cshtml to rely on /Views/_ViewStart.cshtml to resolve it's parent layout. The problem was resolved by defining this in Middle.cshtml explicitly:

Layout = "~/Views/_Shared/_MainLayout.cshtml";

Can't decide whether this would be by-design or a bug in MVC 4 - anyhow, problem was solved :)

Also, you can add the following line to the _Layout.cshtml or _Layout.Mobile.cshtml:

@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

I have a feeling that you are rendering your section from within an @section in the _Layout file that is referring to a partial view with an @section, i.e. you've nested an @section within an @section. In the _Layout file, remove the @section around the rendersection.

Please make sure you have typed correct spelling of using script section in view

the correct is

@section scripts{ //your script here}

if you typed @section script{ //your script here} this is wrong.

I have same issue while implementing a tutorial for beginners of MVC. I got various suggestion to modify the @RenderSection in your layout.cshtml file but I havn't use it.

I have search a lot and then I found that the script tag generated in a (View/Edit.cshtml) and other cshtml file is not rendering

**@section Scripts {


So I removed those lines and application start running smoothly.

For me the problem was in my _Layout.cshtml I have RenderSection inside a condition

 @if (theme == "Red" || theme == "Green")
       @RenderSection("Footer", false)

and in my child view it was without condition

@section Footer{
            @Html.AwButton("Reject", "Reject")
            @Html.AwSubmit("Ok", "Ok")

so irrespective of the theme, child was adding the Footer. But in parent when theme is not Red or Green it was not adding the Footer and unhanded exception being thrown.

I searched for the error in the web and came to this page. I am using Visual Studio 2015 and this is my first MVC project.

If you miss the @ symbol before the render section you will get the same error. I would like to share this for future beginners.

 @RenderSection("headscripts", required: false)

It occurs basically when _Layout.cshtml is without:

@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

or with



required: false

So, Just add @RenderSection("scripts", required: false) in _Layout.cshtml and it works specially for those developers who works with Kendoui genarated projects.

I think our solution was sufficiently different from everyone elses so I'll document it here.

We have setup of Main layout, an intermediary layout and then the final action page render. Main.cshtml <- Config.cshtml <- Action.cshtml

Only when web.config had customErrors='On/RemoteOnly' we got a custom error and no exception nor Application_Error was called. I could catch this on Layout = null line in the Error.cshtml. Exception was as in the question, missing scripts section.

We did have it defined in Main.cshtml (with required:false) and Action.cshtml didn't have anything that wrote into the scripts section.

Solution was to add @section scripts { @RenderSection("scripts", false) } to Config.cshtml.

While working through the ASP.NET MVC 4 Tutorial with Visual Studio 2012 I encountered the same error in the "Accessing Your Model's Data from a Controller section". The fix is quite simple.

When creating a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application in Visual Studio 2012 within the _Layout.cshtml document in the shared folder the "scripts" section is commented out.

    @*@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)*@

Simply un-comment the line and the sample code should work.

    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

I'm not sure why the accepted answer was accepted if the suggested solution did not and does not solve the issue. There can actually be two related issues related to this topic.

Issue #1

The master page (e.g. _Layout.cshtml) has a section defined and it is required but the inheriting views did not implement it. For example,

The Layout Template

    @* Visible only to admin users *@
    <div id="option_box"> 
        @* this section is required due to the absence of the second parameter *@

The Inheriting View

No need to show any code, just consider that there is no implementation of @section OptionBox {} on the view.

The Error for Issue #1

Section not defined: "OptionBox ".

Issue #2

The master page (e.g. _Layout.cshtml) has a section defined and it is required AND the inheriting view did implement it. However, the implementing view have additional script sections that are not defined on (any of) its master page(s).

The Layout Template

same as above

The Inheriting View

  <p>Looks like the Lakers can still make it to the playoffs</p>
@section OptionBox {
<a href"">Go and reserve playoff tickets now</a>
@section StatsBox {
    <li>1. San Antonio</li>
    <li>8. L. A. Lakers</li>

The Error for Issue #2

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml": "StatsBox"

The OP's issue is similar to Issue #2 and the accepted answer is for Issue #1.

I have changed the "_Layout.cshtml" like below and it works. .Net Core 3.1 Blazor Server module Identity issue.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <link href="~/css/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="~/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)


    <div class="main">
        <div class="content px-4">



@section Scripts {    

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