[ruby] Update just one gem with bundler

I use bundler to manage dependencies in my rails app, and I have a gem hosted in a git repository included as followed:

gem 'gem-name', :git => 'path/to/my/gem.git'

To update this gem, I execute bundle update but it also updates all the gem mentioned in Gemfile. So what is the command to update just one specific gem?

This question is related to ruby rubygems bundler

The answer is

I've used bundle update --source myself for a long time but there are scenarios where it doesn't work. Luckily, there's a gem called bundler-patch which has the goal of fixing this shortcoming.

I also wrote a short blog post about how to use bundler-patch and why bundle update --source doesn't work consistently. Also, be sure to check out a post by chrismo that explains in great detail what the --source option does.

You simply need to specify the gem name on the command line:

bundle update gem-name

It appears that with newer versions of bundler (>= 1.14) it's:

bundle update --conservative gem-name

bundler update --source gem-name will update the revision hash in Gemfile.lock which you can compare with the last commit hash of that git branch (master by default).

GIT remote: [email protected]:organization/repo-name.git revision: c810f4a29547b60ca8106b7a6b9a9532c392c954

can be found at github.com/organization/repo-name/commits/c810f4a2 (I used shorthand 8 character commit hash for the url)

bundle update gem-name [--major|--patch|--minor]

This also works for dependencies.

The way to do this is to run the following command:

bundle update --source gem-name

If you want to update a single gem to a specific version:

  1. change the version of the gem in the Gemfile
  2. bundle update
> ruby -v
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-darwin19]
> gem -v
> bundle -v
Bundler version 2.1.4

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Examples related to bundler

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