[android] Why do I get "MismatchSenderId" from GCM server side?

Check google-services.json file in app folder of your Android project. Generate a new one from Firebase console if you are unsure. I got this error in two cases.

  1. I used a test Firebase project with test application (that contained right google-services.json file). Then I tried to send push notification to another application and got this error ('"error": "MismatchSenderId"'). I understood that the second application was bound to another Firebase project with different google-services.json. Because server keys are different, the request should be rewritten.

  2. I changed google-services.json in the application, because I wanted to replace test Firebase project with an actual. I generated right google-services.json file, changed request, but kept receiving this error. On the next day it fixed itself. I suspect Firebase doesn't update synchronously.

To get a server key for the request, open https://console.firebase.google.com and select an appropriate project.

enter image description here

Then paste it in the request.

enter image description here

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