[jsf-2] Can I update a JSF component from a JSF backing bean method?

Everything is possible only if there is enough time to research :)

What I got to do is like having people that I iterate into a ui:repeat and display names and other fields in inputs. But one of fields was singleSelect - A and depending on it value update another input - B. even ui:repeat do not have id I put and it appeared in the DOM tree

<ui:repeat id="peopleRepeat"
var="person" varStatus="status">

Than the ids in the html were something like:


Than in the view I got one method like:

<p:ajax event="change"
listener="#{myBean.onPersonTypeChange(person, status.index)}"/>

And its implementation was in the bean like:

String componentId = "myForm:peopleRepeat" + idx + "personType";

So this way I updated the element from the bean with no issues. PF version 6.2

Good luck and happy coding :)

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