[java] Call a child class method from a parent class object

I have the following classes

class Person {
    private String name;
    void getName(){...}}

class Student extends Person{
    String class;
    void getClass(){...}

class Teacher extends Person{
    String experience;
    void getExperience(){...}

This is just a simplified version of my actual schema. Initially I don't know the type of person that needs to be created, so the function that handles the creation of these objects takes the general Person object as a parameter.

void calculate(Person p){...}

Now I want to access the methods of the child classes using this parent class object. I also need to access parent class methods from time to time so I CANNOT MAKE IT ABSTRACT.

I guess I simplified too much in the above example, so here goes , this is the actual structure.

class Question {
  // private attributes
  private QuestionOption option;
  // getters and setters for private attributes
  public QuestionOption getOption(){...}

 class QuestionOption{
 class ChoiceQuestionOption extends QuestionOption{
 private boolean allowMultiple;
 public boolean getMultiple(){...}

 class Survey{
  void renderSurvey(Question q) {
          Depending on the type of question (choice, dropdwn or other, I have to render
          the question on the UI. The class that calls this doesnt have compile time 
          knowledge of the type of question that is going to be rendered. Each question 
          type has its own rendering function. If this is for choice , I need to access 
          its functions using q. 

The if statement says "cannot find getMultiple for QuestionOption." OuestionOption has many more child classes that have different types of methods that are not common among the children (getMultiple is not common among the children)

This question is related to java inheritance

The answer is

I had the same situation and I found a way around with a bit of engineering as follows - -

  1. You have to have your method in parent class without any parameter and use - -

    Class<? extends Person> cl = this.getClass(); // inside parent class
  2. Now, with 'cl' you can access all child class fields with their name and initialized values by using - -

    cl.getDeclaredFields(); cl.getField("myfield"); // and many more
  3. In this situation your 'this' pointer will reference your child class object if you are calling parent method through your child class object.

  4. Another thing you might need to use is Object obj = cl.newInstance();

Let me know if still you got stucked somewhere.

Why don't you just write an empty method in Person and override it in the children classes? And call it, when it needs to be:

void caluculate(Person p){

This would mean you have to have the same method in both children classes, but i don't see why this would be a problem at all.

class Car extends Vehicle {
        protected int numberOfSeats = 1;

        public int getNumberOfSeats() {
            return this.numberOfSeats;


        public void  printNumberOfSeats() {
          //  return this.numberOfSeats;


//Parent class

  class Vehicle {
        protected String licensePlate = null;

        public void setLicensePlate(String license) {
            this.licensePlate = license;

   public static void main(String []args) {
       Vehicle c = new Vehicle();


//Used downcasting to call the child method from the parent class. 
//Downcasting = It’s the casting from a superclass to a subclass.

      Vehicle d = new Car();
      ((Car) d).printNumberOfSeats();


A parent class should not have knowledge of child classes. You can implement a method calculate() and override it in every subclass:

class Person {
    String name;
    void getName(){...}
    void calculate();

and then

class Student extends Person{
    String class;
    void getClass(){...}

    void calculate() {
        // do something with a Student


class Teacher extends Person{
    String experience;
    void getExperience(){...}

    void calculate() {
        // do something with a Student


By the way. Your statement about abstract classes is confusing. You can call methods defined in an abstract class, but of course only of instances of subclasses.

In your example you can make Person abstract and the use getName() on instanced of Student and Teacher.

Many of the answers here are suggesting implementing variant types using "Classical Object-Oriented Decomposition". That is, anything which might be needed on one of the variants has to be declared at the base of the hierarchy. I submit that this is a type-safe, but often very bad, approach. You either end up exposing all internal properties of all the different variants (most of which are "invalid" for each particular variant) or you end up cluttering the API of the hierarchy with tons of procedural methods (which means you have to recompile every time a new procedure is dreamed up).

I hesitate to do this, but here is a shameless plug for a blog post I wrote that outlines about 8 ways to do variant types in Java. They all suck, because Java sucks at variant types. So far the only JVM language that gets it right is Scala.


The Scala creators actually wrote a paper about three of the eight ways. If I can track it down, I'll update this answer with a link.

UPDATE: found it here.

One possible solution can be

class Survey{
  void renderSurvey(Question q) {
      Depending on the type of question (choice, dropdwn or other, I have to render
      the question on the UI. The class that calls this doesnt have compile time 
      knowledge of the type of question that is going to be rendered. Each question 
      type has its own rendering function. If this is for choice , I need to access 
      its functions using q. 
  if(q.getOption() instanceof ChoiceQuestionOption)
    ChoiceQuestionOption choiceQuestion = (ChoiceQuestionOption)q.getOption();
    boolean result = choiceQuestion.getMultiple();
    //do something with result......