[javascript] How to find prime numbers between 0 - 100?

Here is an efficient, short solution using JS generators. JSfiddle

// Consecutive integers
let nats = function* (n) {
    while (true) yield n++

// Wrapper generator
let primes = function* () {
    yield* sieve(primes(), nats(2))

// The sieve itself; only tests primes up to sqrt(n)
let sieve = function* (pg, ng) {
    yield ng.next().value;
    let n, p = pg.next().value;
    while ((n = ng.next().value) < p * p) yield n;
    yield* sieve(pg, (function* () {
        while (n = ng.next().value) if (n % p) yield n

// Longest prefix of stream where some predicate holds
let take = function* (vs, fn) {
    let nx;
    while (!(nx = vs.next()).done && fn(nx.value)) yield nx.value

document.querySelectorAll('dd')[0].textContent =

// Primes smaller than 100
    [...take(primes(), x => x < 100)].join(', ')
<dt>Primes under 100</dt>

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