[javascript] How to get child element by class name?

I'm trying to get the child span that has a class = 4. Here is an example element:

<div id="test">
 <span class="one"></span>
 <span class="two"></span>
 <span class="three"></span>
 <span class="four"></span>

The tools I have available are JS and YUI2. I can do something like this:

doc = document.getElementById('test');
notes = doc.getElementsByClassName('four');


doc = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('#test');
notes = doc.getElementsByClassName('four');

These do not work in IE. I get an error that the object (doc) doesn't support this method or property (getElementsByClassName). I've tried a few examples of cross browser implementations of getElementsByClassName but I could not get them to work and still got that error.

I think what I need is a cross browser getElementsByClassName or I need to use doc.getElementsByTagName('span') and loop through until I find class 4. I'm not sure how to do that though.

This question is related to javascript yui

The answer is

I know this question is a few years old and there have been a few answers to this but I thought I would add my solution just in case it helps anyone. It's in the same vein as the answer given by user2795540 and involves an array iterator.

If you're just wanting to get the first child that has the four class then you could use the find array iterator. Your browser will need to be able to support ES6 or you can use Babel to compile your JS into something all browsers will support. IE will not support this without a polyfill.

Using the same details you provided in your question it could look something like this:

const parentNode = document.getElementById('test');
const childNode = Array.from(parentNode.childNodes).find(({ className }) => className === 'four');

The above solution will return the node you want to target and store it in the childNode variable.

You can find out more about the find array iterator at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find

Here is how I did it using the YUI selectors. Thanks to Hank Gay's suggestion.

notes = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('four','span','test');

where four = classname, span = the element type/tag name, and test = the parent id.

The accepted answer only checks immediate children. Often times we're looking for any descendants with that class name.

Also, sometimes we want any child that contains a className.

For example: <div class="img square"></div> should match a search on className "img", even though it's exact className is not "img".

Here's a solution for both of these issues:

Find the first instance of a descendant element with the class className

   function findFirstChildByClass(element, className) {
        var foundElement = null, found;
        function recurse(element, className, found) {
            for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length && !found; i++) {
                var el = element.childNodes[i];
                var classes = el.className != undefined? el.className.split(" ") : [];
                for (var j = 0, jl = classes.length; j < jl; j++) {
                    if (classes[j] == className) {
                        found = true;
                        foundElement = element.childNodes[i];
                recurse(element.childNodes[i], className, found);
        recurse(element, className, false);
        return foundElement;

To me it seems like you want the fourth span. If so, you can just do this:




This last one ensures that there are not any hidden nodes that could mess it up.

Use YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName() from here.

Modern solution

const context = document.getElementById('context');
const selected = context.querySelectorAll(':scope > div');


June 2018 update to ES6

    const doc = document.getElementById('test');
    let notes = null;
    for (const value of doc) {
        if (value.className === '4') {
            notes = value;

The way i will do this using jquery is something like this..

var targetedchild = $("#test").children().find("span.four");

Use element.querySelector(). Lets assume: 'myElement' is the parent element you already have. 'sonClassName' is the class of the child you are looking for.

let child = myElement.querySelector('.sonClassName');

For more info, visit: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/querySelector

But be aware that old browsers doesn't support getElementsByClassName.

Then, you can do

function getElementsByClassName(c,el){
    if(typeof el=='string'){el=document.getElementById(el);}
    if(el.getElementsByClassName){return el.getElementsByClassName(c);}
    var arr=[],
    for(var i=0;i<allEls.length;i++){
        if(allEls[i].className.split(' ').indexOf(c)>-1){arr.push(allEls[i])}
    return arr;

It seems it works, but be aware that an HTML class

  • Must begin with a letter: A-Z or a-z
  • Can be followed by letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("_")

Here is a relatively simple recursive solution. I think a breadth-first search is appropriate here. This will return the first element matching the class that is found.

function getDescendantWithClass(element, clName) {
    var children = element.childNodes;
    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        if (children[i].className &&
            children[i].className.split(' ').indexOf(clName) >= 0) {
            return children[i];
     for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
         var match = getDescendantWithClass(children[i], clName);
         if (match !== null) {
             return match;
     return null;

Use the name of the id with the getElementById, no # sign before it. Then you can get the span child nodes using getElementsByTagName, and loop through them to find the one with the right class:

var doc = document.getElementById('test');

var c = doc.getElementsByTagName('span');

var e = null;
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
    if (c[i].className == '4') {
        e = c[i];

if (e != null) {

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Guffa/xB62U/

You could try:

notes = doc.querySelectorAll('.4');


notes = doc.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { 
    if (notes[i].getAttribute('class') == '4') {

Use querySelector and querySelectorAll

var testContainer = document.querySelector('#test');
var fourChildNode = testContainer.querySelector('.four');

IE9 and upper


In my opinion, each time you can, you should use Array and its methods. They are much, much faster then looping over the whole DOM / wrapper, or pushing stuff into empty array. Majority of solutions presented here you can call Naive as described here (great article btw):


My solution: (live preview on Codepen: https://codepen.io/Nikolaus91/pen/wEGEYe)

const wrapper = document.getElementById('test') // take a wrapper by ID -> fastest
const itemsArray = Array.from(wrapper.children) // make Array from his children

const pickOne = itemsArray.map(item => { // loop over his children using .map() --> see MDN for more
   if(item.classList.contains('four')) // we place a test where we determine our choice
     item.classList.add('the-chosen-one') // your code here

You can fetch the parent class by adding the line below. If you had an id, it would be easier with getElementById. Nonetheless,

var parentNode = document.getElementsByClassName("progress__container")[0];

Then you can use querySelectorAll on the parent <div> to fetch all matching divs with class .progress__marker

var progressNodes = progressContainer.querySelectorAll('.progress__marker');

querySelectorAll will fetch every div with the class of progress__marker

using querySelector

var doc=document.getElementById("test");
<div id="test">
 <span class="one"></span>
 <span class="two">two</span>
 <span class="three"></span>
 <span class="four"></span>
_x000D_ Using querySelectorAll

var doc=document.getElementById("test");
<div id="test">
 <span class="one"></span>
 <span class="two">two</span>
 <span class="three"></span>
 <span class="four"></span>

using getElementsByTagNames

var doc=document.getElementById("test");
<div id="test">
 <span class="one"></span>
 <span class="two">two</span>
 <span class="three"></span>
 <span class="four"></span>

Using getElementsByClassName

var doc=document.getElementById("test");
<div id="test">
 <span class="one"></span>
 <span class="two">two</span>
 <span class="three"></span>
 <span class="four"></span>