[rest] Pagination response payload from a RESTful API

I want to support pagination in my RESTful API.

My API method should return a JSON list of product via /products/index. However, there are potentially thousands of products, and I want to page through them, so my request should look something like this:


But what does my JSON response need to look like? Would API consumers typically expect pagination meta data in the response? Or is only an array of products necessary? Why?

It looks like Twitter's API includes meta data: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/lists/members (see Example Request).

With meta data:

  "page_number": 5,
  "page_size": 20,
  "total_record_count": 521,
  "records": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Widget #1"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Widget #2"
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Widget #3"

Just an array of products (no meta data):

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Widget #1"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Widget #2"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Widget #3"

This question is related to rest pagination

The answer is

just add in your backend API new property's into response body. from example .net core:

public async Task<IActionResult> GetUsers([FromQuery]UserParams userParams)
  var users = await _repo.GetUsers(userParams);
  var usersToReturn = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<UserForListDto>>(users);

  // create new object and add into it total count param etc
  var UsersListResult = new
    currentPage = users.CurrentPage,
    pageSize = users.PageSize,
    totalCount = users.TotalCount,
    totalPages = users.TotalPages

  return Ok(UsersListResult);

In body response it look like this

"usersToReturn": [
        "userId": 1,
        "username": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "Joann",
        "lastName": "Wilson",
        "city": "Armstrong",
        "phoneNumber": "+1 (893) 515-2172"
        "userId": 2,
        "username": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "Booth",
        "lastName": "Drake",
        "city": "Franks",
        "phoneNumber": "+1 (800) 493-2168"
// metadata to pars in client side
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 2,
"totalCount": 87,
"totalPages": 44


I would recommend adding headers for the same. Moving metadata to headers helps in getting rid of envelops like result , data or records and response body only contains the data we need. You can use Link header if you generate pagination links too.

    HTTP/1.1 200
    Pagination-Count: 100
    Pagination-Page: 5
    Pagination-Limit: 20
    Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 10,
        "name": "shirt",
        "color": "red",
        "price": "$23"
        "id": 11,
        "name": "shirt",
        "color": "blue",
        "price": "$25"

For details refer to:


For swagger file:


As someone who has written several libraries for consuming REST services, let me give you the client perspective on why I think wrapping the result in metadata is the way to go:

  • Without the total count, how can the client know that it has not yet received everything there is and should continue paging through the result set? In a UI that didn't perform look ahead to the next page, in the worst case this might be represented as a Next/More link that didn't actually fetch any more data.
  • Including metadata in the response allows the client to track less state. Now I don't have to match up my REST request with the response, as the response contains the metadata necessary to reconstruct the request state (in this case the cursor into the dataset).
  • If the state is part of the response, I can perform multiple requests into the same dataset simultaneously, and I can handle the requests in any order they happen to arrive in which is not necessarily the order I made the requests in.

And a suggestion: Like the Twitter API, you should replace the page_number with a straight index/cursor. The reason is, the API allows the client to set the page size per-request. Is the returned page_number the number of pages the client has requested so far, or the number of the page given the last used page_size (almost certainly the later, but why not avoid such ambiguity altogether)?

generally, I make by simple way, whatever, I create a restAPI endpoint for example "localhost/api/method/:lastIdObtained/:countDateToReturn" with theses parameters, you can do it a simple request. in the service, eg. .net

jsonData function(lastIdObtained,countDatetoReturn){
'... write your code as you wish..'
and into select query make a filter
select top countDatetoreturn tt.id,tt.desc
 from tbANyThing tt
where id > lastIdObtained
order by id

In Ionic, when I scroll from bottom to top, I pass the zero value, when I get the answer, I set the value of the last id obtained, and when I slide from top to bottom, I pass the last registration id I got