I thought I would provide a much more robust example, also in typescript, but it would be easy to convert to pure javascript. This function will query parents using either the ID like so "#my-element" or the class ".my-class" and unlike some of these answers will handle multiple classes. I found I named some similarly and so the examples above were finding the wrong things.
function queryParentElement(el:HTMLElement | null, selector:string) {
let isIDSelector = selector.indexOf("#") === 0
if (selector.indexOf('.') === 0 || selector.indexOf('#') === 0) {
selector = selector.slice(1)
while (el) {
if (isIDSelector) {
if (el.id === selector) {
return el
else if (el.classList.contains(selector)) {
return el;
el = el.parentElement;
return null;
let elementByClassName = queryParentElement(someElement,".my-class")
let elementByID = queryParentElement(someElement,"#my-element")