[batch-file] batch file to list folders within a folder to one level

I have searched and searched to no avail so apologies if the answer does exist.

I am not very good with batch files so please keep this in mind.

All I am after is a single batch file that will list/save to file a list of the folders within the current folder.

So basically if I run this batch file within a certain folder it will output all folders (not files or sub folders, just to one level) within the folder from which the batch file was run.

I assume this is probably an easy request however I have not had any luck on Google, etc.

This question is related to batch-file

The answer is


Use the dir command. Type in dir /? for help and options.

dir /a:d /b


Then use a redirect to save the list to a file.

> list.txt


dir /a:d /b > list.txt

This will output just the names of the directories. if you want the full path of the directories use this below.

Full Path

for /f "delims=" %%D in ('dir /a:d /b') do echo %%~fD


other method just using the for command. See for /? for help and options. This can output just the name %%~nxD or the full path %%~fD

for /d %%D in (*) do echo %%~fD


To use these commands directly on the command line, change the double percent signs to single percent signs. %% to %

To redirect the for methods, just add the redirect after the echo statements. Use the double arrow >> redirect here to append to the file, else only the last statement will be written to the file due to overwriting all the others.

... echo %%~fD>> list.txt

print all folders name where batch script file is kept

for /d %%d in (*.*) do (
    set test=%%d
    echo !test!

I tried this command to display the list of files in the directory.

dir /s /b > List.txt

In the file it displays the list below.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\XmppMgr.dll

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\XmppSDK.dll

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\accessories\Plantronics

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\accessories\SennheiserJabberPlugin.dll

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\accessories\Logitech\LogiUCPluginForCisco

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\Cisco Jabber\accessories\Logitech\LogiUCPluginForCisco\lucpcisco.dll

What is want to do is only to display sub-directory not the full directory path.

Just like this:

Cisco Jabber\XmppMgr.dll Cisco Jabber\XmppSDK.dll

Cisco Jabber\accessories\JabraJabberPlugin.dll

Cisco Jabber\accessories\Logitech

Cisco Jabber\accessories\Plantronics

Cisco Jabber\accessories\SennheiserJabberPlugin.dll