Converting the input string into a number rather than keeping it as a string, limits the solution to the maximum allowed float / integer value on that machine/browser. My script below handles currency up to 1 Trillion dollars - 1 cent :-). I can be extended to handle up to 999 Trillions by adding 3 or 4 lines of code.
var ones = ["","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight",
var tens = ["","","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy",
function words999(n999) { // n999 is an integer less than or equal to 999.
// Accept any 3 digit int incl 000 & 999 and return words.
var words = ''; var Hn = 0; var n99 = 0;
Hn = Math.floor(n999 / 100); // # of hundreds in it
if (Hn > 0) { // if at least one 100
words = words99(Hn) + " Hundred"; // one call for hundreds
n99 = n999 - (Hn * 100); // subtract the hundreds.
words += ((words == '')?'':' ') + words99(n99); // combine the hundreds with tens & ones.
return words;
} // function words999( n999 )
function words99(n99) { // n99 is an integer less than or equal to 99.
// Accept any 2 digit int incl 00 & 99 and return words.
var words = ''; var Dn = 0; var Un = 0;
Dn = Math.floor(n99 / 10); // # of tens
Un = n99 % 10; // units
if (Dn > 0 || Un > 0) {
if (Dn < 2) {
words += ones[Dn * 10 + Un]; // words for a # < 20
} else {
words += tens[Dn];
if (Un > 0) words += "-" + ones[Un];
} // if ( Dn > 0 || Un > 0 )
return words;
} // function words99( n99 )
function getAmtInWords(id1, id2) { // use numeric value of id1 to populate text in id2
// Read numeric amount field and convert into word amount
var t1 = document.getElementById(id1).value;
var t2 = t1.trim();
amtStr = t2.replace(/,/g,''); // $123,456,789.12 = 123456789.12
dotPos = amtStr.indexOf('.'); // position of dot before cents, -ve if it doesn't exist.
if (dotPos > 0) {
dollars = amtStr.slice(0,dotPos); // 1234.56 = 1234
cents = amtStr.slice(dotPos+1); // 1234.56 = .56
} else if (dotPos == 0) {
dollars = '0';
cents = amtStr.slice(dotPos+1); // 1234.56 = .56
} else {
dollars = amtStr.slice(0); // 1234 = 1234
cents = '0';
t1 = '000000000000' + dollars; // to extend to trillion, use 15 zeros
dollars = t1.slice(-12); // and -15 here.
billions = Number(dollars.substr(0,3));
millions = Number(dollars.substr(3,3));
thousands = Number(dollars.substr(6,3));
hundreds = Number(dollars.substr(9,3));
t1 = words999(billions); bW = t1.trim(); // Billions in words
t1 = words999(millions); mW = t1.trim(); // Millions in words
t1 = words999(thousands); tW = t1.trim(); // Thousands in words
t1 = words999(hundreds); hW = t1.trim(); // Hundreds in words
t1 = words99(cents); cW = t1.trim(); // Cents in words
var totAmt = '';
if (bW != '') totAmt += ((totAmt != '') ? ' ' : '') + bW + ' Billion';
if (mW != '') totAmt += ((totAmt != '') ? ' ' : '') + mW + ' Million';
if (tW != '') totAmt += ((totAmt != '') ? ' ' : '') + tW + ' Thousand';
if (hW != '') totAmt += ((totAmt != '') ? ' ' : '') + hW + ' Dollars';
if (cW != '') totAmt += ((totAmt != '') ? ' and ' : '') + cW + ' Cents';
// alert('totAmt = ' + totAmt); // display words in a alert
t1 = document.getElementById(id2).value;
t2 = t1.trim();
if (t2 == '') document.getElementById(id2).value = totAmt;
return false;
} // function getAmtInWords( id1, id2 )
// ======================== [ End Code ] ====================================