I ran into a similar problem with unit tests (specifically in jest when the unit tests run locally to create the snapshots and then the CI server runs in (potentially) a different timezone causing the snapshot comparison to fail). I mocked our Date
and some of the supporting methods like so:
describe('...', () => {
let originalDate;
beforeEach(() => {
originalDate = Date;
Date = jest.fn(
(d) => {
let newD;
if (d) {
newD = (new originalDate(d));
} else {
newD = (new originalDate('2017-05-29T10:00:00z'));
newD.toLocaleString = () => {
return (new originalDate(newD.valueOf())).toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"});
newD.toLocaleDateString = () => {
return (new originalDate(newD.valueOf())).toLocaleDateString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"});
newD.toLocaleTimeString = () => {
return (new originalDate(newD.valueOf())).toLocaleTimeString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"});
return newD;
Date.now = () => { return (Date()); };
afterEach(() => {
Date = originalDate;