[git] GitHub - failed to connect to github 443 windows/ Failed to connect to gitHub - No Error

Q - I installed git to get the latest version of Angular. When I tried to run

git clone https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat.git

I got failed to connect to github 443 error

I even tried

git clone git://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat.git

That gave me failed to connect no error message.

I am behind my company firewall. I can not see my proxy details when I go to control panel->Internet Options -> connections -> LAN setting. IT guys are not sharing proxy information with me. I do not know what to do ??

I finally managed to do it. I will update the procedure that I had taken in order to Just wanted to compile all the steps that I did to get it to work

This question is related to git github

The answer is

If you are not using Proxy and still facing this issue, you should use below answer -

git config --global --unset http.proxy

Simply hit this command, and this will fix the issue.

My problem was solved using this command

git config --global http.proxy http://login:password@proxyServer:proxyPort

(Not an answer, but a very similar problem) I have Git Gui installed on a Windows system behind a proxy. Issuing 'git clone' from a Linux virtual machine running on the Windows system works, but Git Gui yields the 443 error mentioned in the heading.

To fix this, one must edit %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig to add an [http] section:

    postBuffer = 1000000000
    proxy = the.proxy.address:the.proxy.port
    sslcainfo = C:/Users/username/Documents/the.certificate.name.cer

Note that the path to the security certificate file has had its backslashes ('\') replaced by slashes ('/').

If your git was already set to something and you only copied that folder to some other location, simply run:

git config --global http.proxy ""

And git will set itself straight, after what, you can pull again :)

On Windows 7 setting the proxy to global config will resolve this issue

git config --global http.proxy http://user:password@proxy_addr:port

but the problem here is your password will not be encrypted.. Hopefully that should not be much problem as most of time you will be sole owner of your PC.

In Visual Studio go to

Tools/NuGet Package Manager / Package Manager Console

Type git config --global http.proxy http://xxx.xxxx.xxxx:Port

Mine was fixed by just using this command :-

      >git config --global http.proxy XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:ZZ

where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the proxy server address and ZZ is the port number of the proxy server.

There was no need to specify any username or password in my case.

For me I have to set the https_proxy and http_proxy in addition to git proxy configuration then only it worked.

Before you try the fancy stuff, try disabling the firewall and antivirus and see if it works. That was my problem.

I got so:

git config --global http.proxy http://{domain}\\\{username}:{password}@{proxy ip}:{proxy port}

git config --global http.sslverify false

Was getting the same error in SourceTree,go to Tools>Options>Network and check Add proxy server configuration to Git/Mercurial if you had already set the proxy settings

I am using Tortoise Git and simply going to Git in Settings and applying the same settings to Global. Apply and Ok. Worked for me.

I have wide experience working with corporate proxies. Configuration is usually working well with

But if you have configured the proxy and it's impossible to work with git (always getting 443 error) try to check if you have a remote.origin.proxy bypassing your configuration.

git config --list --show-origin

If you check that "remote.origin.proxy" is configured as empty value try to unset it or almost set it with your corporate proxy:

git config --add remote.origin.proxy "http://[yourproxy]:[yourport]"

And since several enterprise sites have untrusted certificates I recomend you to avoid certificate checking if you are using ssl:

git config http.sslverify false    
git config --global http.sslverify false

If using SSH config file, my issue was that ~/.ssh/config was not specified correct. From Enabling SSH connections over HTTPS

Host github.com
  Hostname ssh.github.com
  Port 443

(Hope this answer help someone like me.)

The same problem happened to me in Windows using git for windows.

I set proxy setting as usual:

git config --global http.proxy http://username:[email protected]:port

In my situation, the username is email, so it has a @ sign. After encode the @ sign with %40 in username, the problem is resolved.

So, encode the special characters not only in password, but also in username. (Refer to the comments of this answer)

ipconfig /renew - solved this issue for me.

I got an error when I used

<git config --global http.proxy http://user:password@proxy_addr:port>

The error is that the config file cannot be identified as there is no such file. I changed the command to

<git config --system http.proxy http://user:password@proxy_addr:port>

I am running git on the Windows 7 command prompt.
The above command references the config file in GIT_HOME/etc/gitconfig.
The --global option does not.

If your country or working environment blocks sites like Github.

Then you can build a proxy, e.g. use xxnet, which is free & based on Google's GAE, and available for Windows / Linux / Mac.

Then set proxy address for git, e.g:

git config --global http.proxy