[javascript] JavaScript TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null

I have JavaScript code and below line has problem.

if ((hr==20)) document.write("Good Night"); document.getElementById('Night).style.display=''


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at Column 69

My div tag details are:

    <div id="Night" style="display: none;">
    <img src="Img/night.png" style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 5%; height: auto; width: 100%; z-index: -2147483640;">
    <img src="Img/moon.gif" style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 5%; height: 100%; width: auto; z-index: -2147483639;"></div>

Complete JavaScript:

    <script language="JavaScript">
    day = new Date()
    hr = day.getHours()
    if ((hr==1)||(hr==2)||(hr==3)||(hr==4) || (hr==5)) document.write("Should not you be sleeping?")
    if ((hr==6) || (hr==7) || (hr==8) || (hr==9) || (hr==10) || (hr==11)) document.write("Good Morning!")
    if ((hr==12)) document.write("Let's have lunch?")
    if ((hr==13) || (hr==14) || (hr==15) || (hr==16) || (hr==17)) document.write("Good afternoon!")
    if ((hr==18) || (hr==19)) document.write("Good late afternoon!")
    if ((hr==20)) document.write("Good Night"); document.getElementById('Night').style.display=''
    if ((hr==21)) document.write("Good Night"); document.getElementById('Night').style.display='none'
    if ((hr==22)) document.write("Good Night")
    if (hr==23) document.write("Oh My! It's almost midnight!")
    if (hr==0) document.write("Midnight!<br>It is already tomorrow!") document.write("</dl>")

Can someone help me?

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

simply I think you are missing a single quote in your code

if ((hr==20)) document.write("Good Night"); document.getElementById('Night"here").style.display=''

it should be like this

if ((hr==20)) document.write("Good Night"); document.getElementById('Night').style.display=''

For me my Script tag was outside the body element. Copied it just before closing the body tag. This worked

enter code here

<h1 id = 'title'>Black Jack</h1>
<h4> by Meg</h4>

<p id="text-area">Welcome to blackJack!</p>
<button id="new-button">New Game</button>
<button id="hitbtn">Hit!</button>
<button id="staybtn">Stay</button>

 <script src="script.js"></script>

I met the same problem, the situation is I need to download flash game by embed tag and H5 game by iframe, I need a loading box there, when the flash or H5 download done, let the loading box display none. well, the flash one work well but when things go to iframe, I cannot find the property 'style' of null , so I add a clock to it , and it works

let clock = setInterval(() => {
        clock = null
        document.getElementById('loading-box').style.display = 'none'
    }, 200)

Your missing a ' after night. right here getElementById('Night

This happens because document.write would overwrite your existing code therefore place your div before your javascript code. e.g.:


#mydiv { 

Inside your html file

<div id="mydiv">
   <p>Hello world</p>
<script type="text/javascript">

Hope this was helpful