[html] HTML checkbox - allow to check only one checkbox

I have some checkboxes in each row in my table. Each one checkbox has name='myName' because I want to select only one checkbox in each row. But something I'm missing because I'm able to check all of them:

enter image description here

but I want that result:

enter image description here

what am I missing here ?

This question is related to html checkbox

The answer is

Checkboxes, by design, are meant to be toggled on or off. They are not dependent on other checkboxes, so you can turn as many on and off as you wish.

Radio buttons, however, are designed to only allow one element of a group to be selected at any time.


Checkboxes: MDN Link

Radio Buttons: MDN Link

 $(function () {
     $('input[type=checkbox]').click(function () {
         var chks = document.getElementById('<%= chkRoleInTransaction.ClientID %>').getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
         for (i = 0; i < chks.length; i++) {
            chks[i].checked = false;
         if (chks.length > 1)
            $(this)[0].checked = true;

sapSet = mbo.getThisMboSet()
sapCount = sapSet.count()
saplist = []

if sapCount > 1:
   for i in range(sapCount):`enter code here`
     defaultCheck = sapSet.getMbo(i)
   defCount = saplist.count(1)
   if defCount > 1:
      errorgroup = " Please Note: you are allowed"
      errorkey = "  only One Default Account"
   if defCount < 1:
      errorgroup = " Please enter "
      errorkey = "  at leat One Default Account"

$('#OvernightOnshore').click(function () {
    if ($('#OvernightOnshore').prop("checked") == true) {
        if ($('#OvernightOffshore').prop("checked") == true) {
            $('#OvernightOffshore').attr('checked', false)

$('#OvernightOffshore').click(function () {
    if ($('#OvernightOffshore').prop("checked") == true) {
        if ($('#OvernightOnshore').prop("checked") == true) {
            $('#OvernightOnshore').attr('checked', false);

This above code snippet will allow you to use checkboxes over radio buttons, but have the same functionality of radio buttons where you can only have one selected.