[markdown] Create two blank lines in Markdown

I am adding Markdown support to my CMS editor.

When writing Markdown content, how do I create two empty lines?

I have been trying, but I always get only one line.

This question is related to markdown

The answer is

In GitHub Wiki markdown I used hash marks (#) followed by two spaces to make the line break larger. It doesn't actually give you multiple line breaks but it made one large line break and served me well for my needs.

Instead of:

more text

I did:

(hash mark)(space)(space)
more text

I don't know if it works with other editors, but in VSCode a simple # followed immediately by a newline does the trick for my purposes and can be repeated infinitely. (Unlike the backtick quotes which have zero output there)

It is in fact an empty title line, though - so any document outline or auto-formatting might look funky.

Basically, if the library you are using is CommonMark-compliant, you can add multiple hard line breaks (<br />) easily. Here's a quotation from CommonMark's latest specifications (0.28):

A line break (not in a code span or HTML tag) that is preceded by two or more spaces and does not occur at the end of a block is parsed as a hard line break (rendered in HTML as a

and then...

For a more visible alternative, a backslash before the line ending may be used instead of two spaces

The specification is quite clear. However, the library I have been using MarkDig, doesn't quite work with the two spaces technique (must be a bug), but it works flawlessly with a backlash.

That said, this input...

Line one\
Line two

will produce four hard line breaks after "Line one". You can see it here (using backlash)...


Notice how all CommonMark-compliant implementations will get it right.

For an empty line in Markdown, escape a space (\ ), and then add a new line.




Remember: escape a space and escape a new line. That way is Markdown compliant and should compile properly in any compiler. You may have to select the example text to see how it is set up.

I only know the options below. It would be great to take a list of all of them and comment them differences

## Creates 2 Lines that CAN be selected as text
## -------------------------------------------------
### The non-breaking space ASCII character

### HTML <(br)/> tag
<br />
<br />

## Creates 2 Lines that CANNOT be selected as text
## -------------------------------------------------
### HTML Entity &NewLine;

### Backticks with a space inside followed by two spaces
#### sample:
` `  
` `

# End

You can do it perfectly using this:


You can use <br/><br/> or &nbsp;&nbsp; or \ \.

I test on a lot of Markdown implementations. The non-breaking space ASCII character &nbsp; (followed by a blank line) would give a blank line. Repeating this pair would do the job. So far I haven't failed any.




For example:  













You can use the sequence of a no-break space (U+00a0) followed by two spaces (U+0020×2) followed by a newline (U+000a) repeatedly to achieve this. Two or more times is required depending on your use case.

Using (not markdown interpreted here, but) actual white space characters (theoretically copy-and-paste-able):


Try adding multiple spaces (two spaces = one <br>):


In Markdown flavours that support equation output, the following should work on a line by itself, with empty lines before and after (repeat for more lines):


It is basically an equation containing nothing but a single equation-white-space. The benefit is that in Markdown flavours that include both PDF and HTML output options (including Rmarkdown), it should be understood in the same way for both output types, whereas I'm not sure how PDF output would interpret <br> or &nbsp;

I tried everything but this worked for me while using Pandoc markdown with TexLive as LaTex engine. In order to add blank lines, you can try adding a blank line but remove ""

## \newline

Just repeat the above, each will add a new blank line

Backtick quotes with a space inside and two spaces to follow. Repeat as needed for more lines:

text1 text1
text2 text2

It looks decent in Markdown source:

text1 text1
` `  
` `  
text2 text2


This HTML entity which means "non-breaking space" will help you for each line break

If you are using a library like markdown-it or PythonMarkdown this can also be solved by replacing two line breaks (in Regex /\n\n$/gm) with a line break and an invisible character (\n ) before rendering. Note that the character after \n is an Alt+0160 or an invisible character.

For example, using markdown-it (although it work for any other lib too) with the input:






Rendered with md.render(string.data.replace(/\n\n$/gm, "\n ")) you will get:

enter image description here