[powershell] Output PowerShell variables to a text file

I was lead here in my Google searching. In a show of good faith I have included what I pieced together from parts of this code and other code I've gathered along the way.

# This script is useful if you have attributes or properties that span across several commandlets_x000D_
# and you wish to export a certain data set but all of the properties you wish to export are not_x000D_
# included in only one commandlet so you must use more than one to export the data set you want_x000D_
# Created: Joshua Biddle 08/24/2017_x000D_
# Edited: Joshua Biddle 08/24/2017_x000D_
$A = Get-ADGroupMember "YourGroupName"_x000D_
# Construct an out-array to use for data export_x000D_
$Results = @()_x000D_
foreach ($B in $A)_x000D_
  # Construct an object_x000D_
        $myobj = Get-ADuser $B.samAccountName -Properties ScriptPath,Office_x000D_
  # Fill the object_x000D_
  $Properties = @{_x000D_
  samAccountName = $myobj.samAccountName_x000D_
  Name = $myobj.Name _x000D_
  Office = $myobj.Office _x000D_
  ScriptPath = $myobj.ScriptPath_x000D_
        # Add the object to the out-array_x000D_
        $Results += New-Object psobject -Property $Properties_x000D_
  # Wipe the object just to be sure_x000D_
        $myobj = $null_x000D_
# After the loop, export the array to CSV_x000D_
$Results | Select "samAccountName", "Name", "Office", "ScriptPath" | Export-CSV "C:\Temp\YourData.csv"
