How your URLs look have nothing to do with REST. Anything goes. It actually is an "implementation detail". So just like how you name your variables. All they have to be is unique and durable.
Don't waste too much time on this, just make a choice and stick to it/be consistent. For example if you go with hierarchies then you do it for all your resources. If you go with query parameters...etc just like naming conventions in your code.
Why so ? As far as I know a "RESTful" API is to be browsable (you know..."Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State"), therefore an API client does not care about what your URLs are like as long as they're valid (there's no SEO, no human that needs to read those "friendly urls", except may be for debugging...)
How nice/understandable a URL is in a REST API is only interesting to you as the API developer, not the API client, as would the name of a variable in your code be.
The most important thing is that your API client know how to interpret your media type. For example it knows that :
Below is an example HTTP exchange (bodies are in yaml since it's easier to write):
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/yaml, text/acme-mediatype+yaml
Response: a list of links to main resource (companies, people, whatever...)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 15:04:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/acme-mediatype+yaml
# body: this is your API's entrypoint (like a homepage)
# could be some random path https://api.acme.local/modskmklmkdsml
# the only thing the API client cares about is the key (or rel) "companies"
companies: https://api.acme.local/companies
people: https://api.acme.local/people
Request: link to companies (using previous response's body.links.companies)
GET /companies HTTP/1.1
Host: api.acme.local
Accept: text/yaml, text/acme-mediatype+yaml
Response: a partial list of companies (under items), the resource contains related links, like link to get the next couple of companies ( an other (templated) link to search (
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 15:06:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/acme-mediatype+yaml
# body: representation of a list of companies
# link to the next page
next: https://api.acme.local/companies?page=2
# templated link for search
search: https://api.acme.local/companies?query={query}
# you could provide available actions related to this resource
href: https://api.acme.local/companies
method: POST
- name: company1
self: https://api.acme.local/companies/8er13eo
# and here is the link to departments
# again the client only cares about the key department
department: https://api.acme.local/companies/8er13eo/departments
- name: company2
self: https://api.acme.local/companies/9r13d4l
# or could be in some other location !
department: https://api2.acme.local/departments?company=8er13eo
So as you see if you go the links/relations way how you structure the path part of your URLs does't have any value to your API client. And if your are communicating the structure of your URLs to your client as documentation, then your are not doing REST (or at least not Level 3 as per "Richardson's maturity model")