[ios] iOS 11, 12, and 13 installed certificates not trusted automatically (self signed)

On our internal network, we use a self-signed CA certificate. This has worked fine for years, in both Safari and our iOS product, all the way through iOS 10. We simply install the CA certificate on any new device or simulator and everything works, even with ATS. This allows access to all of our internal test servers without having to trust each server individually.

Starting with iOS 11 the installed CA certificate no longer allows Safari or our app to trust the certificate for any of the servers. We receive the following relevant details with CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS enabled for our app:

Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1200
NSLocalizedDescription=An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Would you like to connect to the server anyway?

I spent considerable time trying to resolve this issue, scouring StackOverflow and the rest of the web. Although we use AFNetworking in our app, that seems to be irrelevant, as Safari no longer trusts these servers via the CA. Disabling ATS via NSAllowsArbitraryLoads allows access to the servers, but obviously isn't a solution.

No changes have been made to our -URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler code, and we have a proper (worked for years) implementation of challenge response via challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust.

I have re-evaluated and tested both the CA and server certificates every way I can think of, and they work everywhere except iOS 11. What might have changed in ATS for iOS 11 that could cause this issue?

This question is related to ios

The answer is

Recommended solution is to install and trust a self-signed certificate (root). Assuming you created your own CA and the hierarchy of the certificated is correct you don't need to change the server trust evaluation. This is recommended because it doesn't require any changes in the code.

  1. Generate CA and the certificates (you can use openssl: Generating CA and self-signed certificates.
  2. Install root certificate (*.cer file) on the device - you can open it by Safari and it should redirect you to Settings
  3. When the certificated is installed, go to Certificate Trust Settings (Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings) as in MattP answer.

If it is not possible then you need to change server trust evaluation.

More info in this document: Technical Q&A QA1948 HTTPS and Test Servers

Apple hand three categories of certificates: Trusted, Always Ask and Blocked. You'll encounter the issue if your certificate's type on the Blocked and Always Ask list. On Safari it show’s like: enter image description here

And you can find the type of Always Ask certificates on Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Setting

There is the List of available trusted root certificates in iOS 11

Blocking Trust for WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2

I follow all recommendations and all requirements. I install my self signed root CA on my iPhone. I make it trusted. I put certificate signed with this root CA on my local development server and I still get certificated error on safari iOS. Working on all other platforms.

This has happened to me also, after undating to IOS11 on my iPhone. When I try to connect to the corporate network it bring up the corporate cert and says it isn't trusted. I press the 'trust' button and the connection fails and the cert does not appear in the trusted certs list.

I've been struggling with this for 3 days now while attempting to connect to a local API running Laravel valet. I finally figured it out. In my case I had to drag and drop over the LaravelValetCASelfSigned.pem file from ~/.config/valet/CA/LaravelValetCASelfSigned.pem

After verifying the installing within the simulator I had to go to Settings > About > Certificate Trust Settings > and Enable the Laravel Valet VA Self Signed CN

Finally working!!!

If you are not seeing the certificate under General->About->Certificate Trust Settings, then you probably do not have the ROOT CA installed. Very important -- needs to be a ROOT CA, not an intermediary CA.

I just answered a question here explaining how to obtain the ROOT CA and get things to show up: How to install self-signed certificates in iOS 11