[java] Test if object implements interface

I had this problem tonight with android and after looking at the javadoc solutions I came up with this real working solution just for people like me that need a little more than a javadoc explanation.

Here's a working example with an actual interface using android java. It checks the activity that called implemented the AboutDialogListener interface before attempting to cast the AboutDialogListener field.

public class About extends DialogFragment implements OnClickListener,
    OnCheckedChangeListener {

public static final String FIRST_RUN_ABOUT = "com.gosylvester.bestrides.firstrunabout";

public interface AboutDialogListener {
    void onFinishEditDialog(Boolean _Checked);

private AboutDialogListener adl;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Activity a = this.getActivity();
    if (AboutDialogListener.class.isInstance(a)) {
        adl = (AboutDialogListener) a;

... Later I check if the field adl is !null before calling the interface

public void onStop() {
    sharedPref.edit().putBoolean(About.FIRST_RUN_ABOUT, _Checked).commit();
    // if there is an interface call it.
    if (adl != null) {